Hardly any trichomes. Finals weeks of flower

I think your right. I will give her a go.

Here is a close-up.

Here is a different plant. Same seed pack…


Yeah; you have a LONG way to go. I see nothing that should cause worry. You are starting some sugar on the leaves too. Support the plant and she will deliver.


Thanks bro! I will keep her going as long as I am able, right up to Halloween if necessary.


Plant just needs more time to finish…
They look good and on track…


suggest you supercharge the grow with the bloom enhancer you have.
time is short, but, still nuff to dose at least once…maybe twice. if you can move plants indoors during first cold snaps…it would give you more time.
Keep in mind…controlling your natural “I see buds, it’s time to harvest” urge will pay off big time.
Could be as much as 40% increase in bulk buds. Plus the many added trichomes. Around Halloween should be a much better harvest date.
Give it a good solid feeding …add in the bloom blaster.
Keep a very close eye on the trichomes. They are the deciding factor.