Gypsy's Towers Of Flowers II

The growth on your girls is incredible.
Are you going 18/6?
Are you measuring DLI?
Is the daily temp in the 80s?
Is your secret the gnome? Maybe not because he didn’t hang with the last girl, did he?

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I went from 24hrs to 18/6 after the first or second week. DLI was 60 on outter edges last I checked but she’s grown since that measurement so it’s probably in the 70’s now.
Always try to keep temp around 80 humidity around 50. I’ll start dropping that humidity to the 40’s soon as she’s in full flower.
I think wet/dry cycles help a lot with the growth.
I don’t know what Moses is up to when I’m not around. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Probably defending the crop from invaders.


Moses stay climbing all over that tent. Idk how he got so much energy 4 a old man


Thank you.
It is working very well for you.
I had read somewhere that if everything is good, you can push the DLI past 60 and the temp up to 85F and the plant may respond with explosive growth. Looks like Maggie and the last girl (forgot her name) could be examples of that.

@jd77 my dli with Esmeralda (last plant) was around 75 at the end of her days in center of tent. I just add full dose of Calmag 5ml/gal every watering and feeding or she will start showing deficiency with these high power LEDs. It may be a waste of electricity, but until and unless she starts to foxtail I run 100% to the end from here. Last plant went 100% from week 4 to week 12 harvest.


Thank you for explaining the details. Your plants respond very well to your care.

Day 42
Moses is hanging out around Maggie’s trunk. He’s probably up to something…

The downward is looking good.

Little closer inspection…We’re flowering…

When you see the baby hedgehog…you’re flowering!

I have to give credit to calamityJane or madam calamity…for the hedgehog reference.
All LST wires will be pulled now. The shape you have at this point is non-negotiable.

HAPPY GIRL :blush::v::blush:


Very happy girl. Funny that Moses is up to something, my gnome (Gordie the Gromie Gnome) just made an appearance with the clone moms he’s been tending to over in my journal!

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Gordie looks like a fat, jolly old gnome!! :blush::v:

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We are… Errr… I mean he is!


Beautiful lady. I think Moses may have have had a pair of Fiskars in his pocket down by the trunk!!

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Huge ol trunks on that lady


Day 43
Miss Maggie was feeling very light this morning.

That’s a good thing.

She got food.
Foxfarms week#6
IN: 6.6ph 1210ppm
OUT: 6.2ph 1715ppm
I’m thinking small pockets of soil are releasing nutes, raising the ppm. Numbers are good though.

HAPPY GIRL :blush::v::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looks like Moses dropped a quarter. :wink:

Looking good!

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Killing it. Moses doing a great job guarding her from all evil


Day 45
Miss Maggie got water today with 5ml/gal CalMag. 1.5 gallons IN at 6.4ph 247ppm
2 cups OUT at 6.1ph 1420ppm.
She’s eating and stretching. 3.5" vertical growth last 2 days.
She’s at the point now where it’s water or food every other day.
More defoilation planned for Tuesday after her feeding.

HAPPY GIRL!!! :blush::v::blush:


She’s reaching for the stars!


@Newt Yes sir, she is!!!


Day 47
Maggie got Fox Farms week #6 trio and OpenSesame bloom powder. Half strength and of course full strength CalMag 5ml/gal.
She also got some more defoliation.
Defoliation will continue for another week or two until I can weed out all the weaklings.

She’s mostly clean underneath.
Moses was there to supervise.

Oops. Almost forgot the #'s
1.5 gallons IN at 6.6ph 1287ppm
2 cups OUT at 6.3ph 1795ppm
These #'s will make fat buds.

She’s a Happy Girl!!! :v::blush::v: