Growing with live earthworms (Show your worms!)

Anybody else try this? I’m on my second grow using them. I was trying to come up with a way to recycle my old root balls, and after listening to some Future Cannabis Project podcasts became interested in vermicomposting.


Funny thing just bought red wormz to help aerate soil and add worm poop to soil yesterday


I use live worms there great for adding microbes to ur soil aswell as aerating the soil aswell as feeding ur plants ,when i make up my pots i reuse my soil i re amend my soil with kelp meal and alfalfa meal fish bone meal and sea bird guano and volcanic rock dust fertilizer aswell as mushroom compost i mix this with my soil i put enough to last up to three months i add my worms back into the soil and i wet it down and i let the worms break the organic fertilizer down ready for the plants to eat i leave my pots for about a month before i put any plants in there


@Aussie_autos , you stole my secret recipe! :grin: I had a couple more ingredients - Epsom salt, crab meal, and insect frass. It was basically, a little bit of everything on my shelf. The soil this time had been cooking for at least two months.

I haven’t given any other fertilizer, except a couple waterings with fish emulsion. If you ask me, it doesn’t get any easier. It’s like the worms are doing all the work. :worm:

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When I mix up my barrel of super soil I add a box of earthworms and see them when I harvest and dump out my dirt from pots.


Oh,I get it! :+1:
I have uncle jims on speed dial…just bought 2000 red wigglers. First the worms go into my (2)two compost containers-40g trashbins with holes drilled on bottom,and sides.Then I move the worms and castings to the main pots.
My problem is trying to keep the critters from digging the worms up.I got a black squirrel that looks me in the eye after I see him in my garden. In my mind,I named him QUINT ,from Jaws. Kinda perfect.
“You city boys with your red wigglers and nightcrawlers…”

SL out.


LoL I’m also using a 40 gallon city waste bin (with holes drilled) for making compost. No worms in this batch yet but I have red worms in another batch, smaller bin, that overwintered just fine. This (outdoor) grow I’m preparing for will be my first and I would definitely consider encouraging the worms to come along into the 15 gallon smart pots.


Welcome @Mountainfreak to our community. Please come in and leave something of the happiness you bring…

15 gallon? Nice. Put them worms to work!!
Happy growing!
SL out.


Its great when u have little helpers to do all the work to make it easier for our plants to eat

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