Growing in soil now ...first time here. Thinking of going hydro...pros and cons any and all advice is much appreciated

Profit and altruism is not incongruent. You cannot simply say that those that pursue profit don’t care about the world in which they live. They are all trying to fill a need supported by human response to civilization advancement.

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They are about the same. The question isn’t which one is best but which one is best for you. Everyone is different and has different needs. Dwc has always appealed to me because of my science background. I’ve been successful with it because of that. They’re reasons each of us have chosen how we grow. Having said that, may white flies and spider mites attack the grow rooms of those who don’t grow using DWC! Happy growing! Lmmfao


I am going to do a hydro grow next. I am doing soil. Initially it was an indoor grow. Then life stepped in and schedule change is forcing that to be outside. This grow is also going to be even more of a teaching moment for me. I just ordered some rooting gel “Clonex”. I was asked by a friend for a clone of my Maui. To me she don’t look like I can get viable clone from her. She isn’t stretching like the Durban. So I started a seedling for him. However I think I can clone the Durban easy enough. If I do I will let another buddy have a couple of plants as well. But that being said. I am planning on a hydro grow. I am going to put in some ease of use features. I plan on using a pump to drip on the roots early on taking that from the bucket/tote. I also plan to put an additional two pumps to drain and fill the tote so that I do not have to disturb the plants at all while flowering. It means having multiples but I am 62 and I love to play around with plants. I am growing for fun and entertainment and I do not have a limited budget. In fact I have plenty of playing around money.


I too have plenty of playing around money so I just buy extra totes to swap out nutrients with. If you aren’t careful/lucky in putting in your plumbing you’ll end up with a big flooded area. My area is on the second floor of my home so I don’t wanna spend my playing around money on a new ceiling for my first floor. Just saying


I don’t have that issue. I would be growing in the basement where if water leaked I would just mop it up.