Getting worried guys!

Week 7 flower,coco dtw,2x a day fertigation,at lights on and lights off…ph in 6.0… ph out 6.0-6.3……750ppm in 850-900 out……temps stay within the 85f-75 range…humidity stays within the 37-50% range……I’m useing optic slim 650s to grow the affected plant…….is this a fungus/disease?? It has gotten a lot worse over night……

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Looks like heat too much heat or light is too close, I’d almost bet a little too much nitrogen, phosphorus deficiency, mag deficiency, and it looks like the ph is out of whack making your leaves get twisty.

What nutes are you using??

I’m no pro. Let’s see if we can get some more experienced eyes in here.

@Budz @MeEasy @Hellraiser @JJ520 @Nicky @yoshi @CygnusX1 @OGIncognito @kaptain3d @HappyHydroGrower


In coco, I believe that @AfgVet , @imSICKkid and @Bulldognuts could know the answer… :nerd_face:


I have ac unit keeping the room within 85f during day and 75f during night. My ph going in is always within 6.0-6.2….ph out (which I check 2x every day ) is 6.0-6.3…I’m feeding floral nova bloom which is 4-8-7….my par at my tallest tops (like 5 of 50) is between 1200-1000……every top after that is well below 1000ppfd. She’s 3 foot deep and theirs quality bud the whole 3 foot down,no larf at all which is why I don’t mind 5 of 50 ish tops getting above the 1000ppfd thresh hold because the rest are well under that… strain is Barney’s farm mimosa evo which has a lot of purple in its genetics so it’s hard for me to tell about the purple on leafs maby I’m missing something though


I’m fairly new growing as well so wait for some of the others that got tagged in, but yes, the purple to “me” looks genetic. The leaves curling up is probably the light.

The other spots are likely nutrient related, BUT, you’re also close to the finish line where she’ll start consuming herself.

That PH is probably a touch high for straight coco, but if you’ve been good so far… May just want to change the next water / feed to closer to 5.8.

You’ve got some great experts tagged in so I’m sure better insight will be along shortly.


Her leafs have always been a little twisty since about week6 veg (she was vegged 8 weeks and 3 days from breaking ground) after I over did the h2o2 and she almost died.first time running this strain but it looks like she will be finish by the 26th, she will hit 7 weeks in 2 days (just checked my records)…I didn’t start seeing issues untill she started reseeding her hairs and swelling, I always though that’s when you back off feed as they are not growing as much…I don’t believe in flushing so iv always checked ppm run off and watched it as I upped feed after stretch, once my runoff hits 200 over than in flux I drop down 100 and keep it their, I didn’t do that this go around though


I would second that comment I run in soil pH is 6.5 and Coco you should be putting it in at 5.8 probably having pH issues if the leafs have always been a little twisty that may explain it if you’ve always been pH sing at 6 to 6.2 should be 5.8


Thanks for the tag @Low hi @Buddernugz first I’m seeing some heat/light issues and looks low on phosphorus which is probably from the ph being high but I don’t grow coco I just know by reading around ph is supposed to stay under 6 almost like hydro which I know even less about. It wasn’t much but that’s all I can do. I didn’t read what has been said so you probably already know everything I just said lol and if not low’s tags will bring more help… good luck


I guess I should have read down the thread you answered the light/heat issue it’s not an issue. I still think the phosphorus is a little low. Me not being a coco I don’t think I am much help


You’re close enough to harvest that I wouldn’t even worry about it, don’t see any fungal problems, yeah pH a little high for coco as others have said and pushing that much light can make the leaves get a bit ugly near the end. Could just go water only til chop at this point. Buds look nice, chunky and frosty.


I keep at 5.8 rock steady at veg,the leafs where always twisted after I gave her 25ml per gal of 29% h2o2 which almost killed her but so e how she bound]sed back but from that day forward her leafs always had a twist to them.

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What was that all about @Buddernugz

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I came home from a 14hr factory shift and was dead tired and out of it, I always give 5 ml per gal of 29%h2o2 starting at week 3 above ground and I continue that threw out flower. Well………I got mixed up when making a batch off feed and gave them waaaaaaaay to much…… luckily I was only watering the Mamosa….I kid you not….I use a 2 gallon watering Jug…… I got half of that jug in that pot and I looked up at her canopy just to check her out every single branch was bent past a 90° angle in the leaves were like rubber pointing straight down at the ground I immediately knew what was going on dumped my jug in my slop sink and mixed up 20 gallons of feed and flushed The ever living crap out of her luckily I’ve done that in the past not to that extent or by accident basically just to see how much H202 I can push and the same thing happened to those plants but half died though……. I don’t know how but that Mamosa evil with stood many times more H2O two that I’ve seen kill plants within a half an hour……l sure do wish I took clones………

She bounce back up though….I hope to hit 2lbs off her but idk I’m not good at guessing lol……I’m. Amen g a batch right now and I’ll drop it to 5.8….also if some one runs silica would u suggest me running it till chop?..…hears a little eye candy too




That’s a beautiful plant, nice training

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