Getting ready for harvest

Hello guys so I’m currently in the process of harvesting my crop I’m about 60-80% orange tricomes I’ve flushed the plant from 1600ppm to 700ppm then to 300ppm then to 60ppm now today the 31st I flushed to 0ppm and and 6.8 ph I’m currently running ocean forest soil and Athena blended line on a Mh 1000w now my question is what’s my next step when do I turn off lights for dark process? how many days in the dark? I’m currently trying to flush 12 days before chopping it down but want to know today that I’m at 0ppm what’s my next step? Do I keep it at 0ppm for 12 days from today and when should I start dark process any help will be appreciated

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Do you have pictures

If ur flused out completely throw her in dark for 24 to 48 hrs. As soon as time comes open door and chop fast have less than 2 minutes to get done before anything shoots back up the stalk. Dark period set all the stuff in the rootball and when light hits the plant the rootball send that stuf flying again so be auick about the cut when u do it. No more waiting needed of flushed dark for 24 to 48 hrs. Id also hang the whole plant as it dries slower and makes for better smells and tastes. Good luck and congrats on making it to the end. Got any pics??


1 week ago

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@Holmes @HollyHo @420qc

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