Getting close to harvest... I think?

Think I’m getting close still no amber trichromes but today was 10 weeks from the day she first sprouted. It’s a white widow autoflower in a 3 gallon pot and hasn’t had any fertilizer in 2 weeks. I started flushing last week. She was grown outside but I brought her in because we’re going to have a lot of rain the next few days and I was worried about mold.

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Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

First two pictures not too clear best I can tell your crystals do look cloudy, nice plant last picture looks like you’re in the window of harvest. Good luck finishing up.

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Thanks yeah that was the clear as I could get zoomed in so far but so far no amber that I can find. Any tips on finishing right?

hopefully this one is a little clearer


I like to use a x 60 Jewelers loupe there about 10 bucks on eBay. Look at the crystals on the bud itself not the leafs. I like to Harvest mostly cloudy with just a bit of Amber. The last Auto I finished Girl Scout cookie extreme. Took 14 weeks from seed to finish. You should get a little Amber soon.

Thanks today was week 10 so hopefully soon because the temp is starting to drop pretty quick here

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Those were pics of the bud btw. Pictures were taken with my phone zoomed in to 10 power

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My main concern is that 70 to 90% of the pistils are brown but the trichromes are still clear

Ur gonna want to get a microscope to check the trics. Atleast 60 times 100 times is better. Or can get a usb microscope from walmart for like 25 bucks. Depending on the high u want ur gonna want to watch them closely. My usb microscooe goes to 1600x was 25 bucks thru wally world .com

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The pistils are an indication it is getting close but for the proper high the trics are where it is at. To much not good not enough milky and itll just kinda give u a headache high

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Thanks for all the feedback got a jewelers loupe and the trikes are still mostly clear. Today is day 71 since planted and day 67 since she sprouted. I believe I’ve got another couple of weeks b4 she’s ready. I’ve seen some people recommend putting her in the dark a couple of days before harvest, does this actually help or is it a marijuana myth?

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Also thinking about buying a 800w led grow tent is that enough light to grow 4 girls at a time?

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I’m really new to this, I have only done 2 grows and seems like a lot of people do it so I did keep them in the dark for 48 hours, no peeking… I have no idea if it helps honestly. I read a university article about it and now I can’t seem to find that article and they said it helps