Germinating Seeds

@dmykins it seems everyone is a fan of germinating seeds in a glass of water or paper towel and nothing is wrong with this method they seem to have alot of luck. With that being said I have never had luck germinating my seeds like this, it never works for me I place the seed into a seedstarter and vermiculite and worm castings. I place seed in and cover with a light layer and all of min pop out within 3 to 4 days I keep soil moist and place a plastic bag over them to hold humidity


Hello everyone maybe someone could help me out I just started 2 seeds of Jack H. And one Bubblegum. The Bubblegum has popped leaves and all one Jack just seeing the seed cap coming out of Coco as of this morning but one is still not showing any sign will be 36hrs since placing in Coco coir. Should I be worried it will not pop or how long should I wait.

Whole heartily agree with bruinsfan33…works like a charm