Germinate seeds taproot

Hi so these are 48 hours on paper towel method. The ones on the right are Gelat.OG. left is Northern lights. Do you think the right ones are ready for planting


Plant them all! Congrats!


Really the ones on the left too. Ok cool

Yeah. Look like they’re all at least cracked. Are they ILGM seeds?

I just planted 4 white widows and only one was cracked after soaking 24 hrs in water (with a splash of H2O2). All 4 have since sprouted.

You’re Off to the Races ,the two on the right with the long tails plant with seed cap up White tail down.

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Thank you. I bought from seedsman on right. And crop king on left. But left is 6 months old and been in fridge

Cool thanks

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They’ll be fine. The ones I just sprouted were 18 months old and have been in a desk drawer


Do you have issues with sprouts wearing shell when they pop? I do exactly the opposite. Shell down and tail up. They sprout just as well and always clear of shell.


To be totally honest… those seeds are so vigorous that they were ready to be planted without the towel. I promise you if you have another seed and place it in the soil 1/4" down in whichever orientation it lands in…it will grow.


Occasionally I will get one. I will need to give it a little help to shared seed cap.

Thank you

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i have been looking for this answer. this time i planted all tail down and had to take the cap off 6


Plant them all pronto homey

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@doggiedeb-1956 Plant them Seeds right and left side, with tail down. When they come up with leaves, and if they still got seed shell on them, very gently rub seed husk off leaves. This will allow leaves to fully deploy without a problem. Sometimes both leaves get stuck on inside wall of seed husk and can’t open any further. If not removed plant may become stunned, in it’s relentless efforts to shed this new hindrance. If you are careful, you can help them out by removing this obstacle for them. They will love you for taking part with a loving hand and voice, to reassure them that you got their back.

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@doggiedeb-1956 Check out this plant cycle stages pic message.

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@doggiedeb-1956 do this too.
24/0= light on / light off

@doggiedeb-1956 Good luck to you, happy growing, and heavy harvest. Have any questions, ask anyone by adding @name and asking question. They will be notified. Want to look up something, type in magnifying glass up top page.

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Thank you