Fungus gnats / Aphids / Spider mites? | Need help! (indoor / soil)

@garrigan62 @whopee

I don’t want to step on your toes, my dear friend Will and your advice for treatment is adequate as usual :+1::ok_hand::grinning: These look to be in the mites family, however, probably in the “good guys” one …

They’re most probably predatory mites, more specifically Hypoaspis miles a.k.a. Stratiolaelaps scimitus… They’re native species of soil-dwelling mites to the North America which feed on small insects and mites. Adults are tan and translucide in color and less than 1 mm long. They’re introduce in most organic soil by company who made them, to fight against fungus gnat larvae, immature thrips, bulb mites,various mites, sciarid flies, shore flies, root aphids, and springtails. And look like this :


Other predatory mites look very similar to this one…

I could be wrong, but usually, I am fairly accurate… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v::frog:

If they have nothing to feed on, they will eventually move or\and die…

Soil have plenty of other living organisms and this one is part of a natural ecosystems of a healthy soil…

It’s your choice is to get rid of them , it’s at the risk to found other pests in the future… Remember that If they’re present, it’s because they have a food sources…

Anyway, it’s just my opinion…

Truly yours…

~Al :v::innocent:

Thanks for the tag @PurpNGold74