Fun Facts and Other Interesting Facts: Did you know..?


Wasn’t that young Sheldon ?


The death ray or death beam was a theoretical particle beam or electromagnetic weapon of the 1920s and 1930s that was claimed to have been invented independently by Guglielmo Marconi,[1] Nikola Tesla, Harry Grindell Matthews, Edwin R. Scott, and Graichen,[2] as well as others.[3] In 1957, the National Inventors Council was still issuing lists of needed military inventions that included a death ray.[4]

While based in fiction, research into energy-based weapons inspired by past speculation has contributed to real-life weapons in use by modern militaries sometimes called a sort of “death ray”, such as the United States Navy and its Laser Weapon System (LaWS) deployed in mid-2014.[5][6] Such armaments are technically known as directed-energy weapons. @Smokin_ernie


Thanks that is some interesting stuff.


It interests me too. I was an industrial mechanic (semi-retired) and about 10 years ago I was dispatched to a military base to repair a cooling water pump which was being used to test a laser device they were developing to disable electrical systems on planes from thousands of miles away. This device was being used with reflectors due to the curvature of the earth. NASA already has such reflector satellites in orbit and has had them for many many years. @Smokin_ernie

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Did you know that an agnostic with insomnia and dyslexia stays up all night long, wondering if there really is a dog?


French fries are not French, they’re Belgian, invented in Belgium after taking the Spanish notion of cooking things in boiling oil a step further by slicing up the spud first. The confusion arose because some Yank soldiers came across this delicacy, and because the Belgian Army then spoke French they assumed they were French. So because of some stupidity there was a big fuss about calling something "Freedom Fries"when the French weren’t insulted at all.


But Benelux does not have all the good things people think of, there is also a dark side.

You see, it was a Dutchman, Maurice Gatsonides, who invented the speed camera. He didn’t do it for “road safety”, but for more accurate timing for rally racing, you got flashed and photographed, date and time stamp, when you crossed the start and finish lines, and it wasn’t long before they figured out they could calculate speed as well going by the time it took to cross the two “pressure strips” when they were set a known distance apart.

Of course, it wasn’t long before law enforcement and government got wind of this, and soon saw a way to raise revenue under the guise of “road safety”.

So when you get that speeding ticket in the mail after being flashed as you drive hubby/wife/son/daughter/cat/dog/gerbil to hospital after he/she/it has a heart attack thanks to eating too much fries and deep fried food, don’t blame yourselves, blame Benelux, and then, thanks to feeling sad due to said events, you can ruin your waistline with two of Belgium’s most famous exports, beer and chocolate, just because we’re evil that way here.


Not really a fun fact but some words to learn from: The Lord gave us one mouth and two ears, it is my belief the he intended us to use our two ears twice as much as our one mouth! Try it and you might be surprised with the amount of new things you learn!
Have a wonderful day everyone!


@anon35207245 Good morning! Both of your stories are awesome, I didn’t know about either! Thank you!

@smitty87 Great words to live by!

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Did you know that your brain listens to what your mouth says! If you say you can’t you won’t, if you say you can you will!

Did you know that there are two important communication tools, when used together can make changes in our thinking. Listening to what someone says and then hearing what that person said. Too many times we listen, but don’t wait long enough to hear what is really being said.


Too true, the point I was trying to get across perfectly!

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Did you know, the oldest known tattooed human skin to date is found on the body of Otzi the iceman who was estimated to have lived between 3370 and 3100 BC. His body was found in the Alps and had 61 tattoos of simple dots and lines using carbon ink.


@smitty87 Now I did know that one! Interesting!

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Did you know that horses and zebras can mate and produce offspring, however sterile, they are called ‘Zorses’ and are usually marked like a zebra on the legs.


But did you know that Otzi had 57 more tattoos than me? @highcountrygal (LOL)


Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? They land on their food, using special chemical receptors in their feet to find out the taste of the food before consuming it. Also, when the time comes for the female butterfly to lay eggs, she goes from plant to plant, landing on their leaves and drumming her feet. In this way, she can tell if the plant’s leaves will be tasty enough for her caterpillars to eat. Caterpillars spend most of the time eating, after all, in order to grow, and they stay in just one plant, consuming as many of its leaves as it can. If they hatch on the wrong plant, they might not eat at all and we all know what happens to living creatures that don’t eat – they die.
@highcountrygal @Laurap @raustin @mulegal


Really some very interesting info ive read!


The natural world and all it’s creatures are the most amazing. Thanks for the drumming butterflies @smitty87