Frustrated with Lab

The powers that be really need to pitch it to us better.

I need more than just the ability to pm to convince me.


Didn’t say it was, but you seemed to have a little bit of an attitude about it.

Like what would you have to gain from that? Other than to be passive aggressive with us, when I’ve already explained we don’t have anything to do with it.


You don’t need it. There are certainly a few people there that are fun to interact with that aren’t here, otherwise the forum doesn’t really have anything that you can’t get here.


Well, at the time of writing i was pretty mad and may have been a tad hasty. I enjoy this community to much to leave.


That’s too bad. I really appreciate the honesty. :+1:


I had fun there. And I’m sure company position is that they would like you to join. I’m just saying that 95% of the helpful people over there are also helpful members here. But if you’re not interested in the modules, you have little to gain by joining there. It use to be a very tight knit group and much more personal experience. Imo wasn’t really the case last time I was there, seemed like same forum with little different rules based on being private as opposed to public.


:zipper_mouth_face::shushing_face: big brother don’t like this. Lol.

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I feel it’s an honest and truthful comment. Wouldn’t have typed it if I wasn’t willing to stand behind it.


I believe you and you guys really have nothing to do with it. I personally feel like the lab is marketed incorrectly. It should be about the modules and the learning of the modules. Something like “For $150 you can learn…”
Most times when people are being pitched the lab the selling point is the exchange of personal info because of the “protection” it provides us. A selling point that just rubs me the wrong way, as I’m sure you know lol. That makes it seem more like extortion. Spade for spade that’s exactly what paying for protection is. My original comment was more geared toward the people that take offense when the lab is questioned and not any statement you made specifically. By the way how do you flag?

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That my friend you have to look at who is making the pitch. It’s not the staff members here pushing that on anyone. I would be happy to promote the training modules to anyone I feel could benefit and has the resources. I’m happy to call most of the members and staff there my friends. They’re great people and excellent growers. But anyone who would be burdened by the cost probably doesn’t stand as much to gain.

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I don’t have 3 dots. I have like, link and bookmark.

Do you now?

I do. Thank you. I thought I had it once but I figd I lost it with the fano thing. Ok well you can see where that last screenshot is from if you wanna let the new member know about sharing info. I feel like they did it accidentally because my wickr app does the same thing.


I took care of the posts, and the new member. Thanks! You should be all set.


For the record @Familyman your not the only one… that’s all I’ll say. Grrrrrrrrrr


Still no resolution @LoCoRock

He made it @RandomlyRan

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Lol. He was in a mood over that. I was wondering if they were gonna do a special this year. I think 2019 they had the buy the cheap pack and get the full package.

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No it’s modules only I guess… I only get 1 email a day for a reply…lol so I get to ask one question or tell them it didn’t work then I have to wait 24 hrs for a reply
