First Time Indoor Autoflower Grow - White Spots on Leaves!

Hey all. First time grower. Currently have 3 seedlings a couple inches tall (Blueberry, Northern Lights, and Amnesia Haze). All three sprouted out of soil 2 days ago. 2x4 tent with Mars Hydro TSL-2000 light. Was running light at 50%, 24" then when looked like they were stretching too much, I increased to 75%, 24". This increased my temp from 24C to 26C. I turned my exhaust fan on to lower temp and after an hour temp back down to 24C. Currently holding 60-65% RH.

Just noticed some faded white spots on cotyledons and real leaves. Read this could just be calcium dried up from tap water? It’s on all three seedlings but more prevalent on the Blueberry.

Anything look or sound alarming to anyone?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


I found you


Nice! Was just tagging you…

Did any water or anything happen to get on leaves at all. Can u wipe the white away or is it like crispy leafs

@kaptain3d @Covertgrower @CoyoteCody @pptrsha1 @AfgVet @Bulldognuts @Green707Thumb @Hellraiser @Tenga. Anyone know these white patches.


I originally watered with spray bottle to prevent overwatering. So yeah, definitely got some on the leaves. But that was a couple days ago. I’ve since watered by very slowly pouring small amounts of water around the seedling and let it settle before pouring more. Not too keen on touching them for fear of doing more harm than good.

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Lightly brush ur finger on it and see if it is like a salt build up or powdery substance. Maybe take some spray and spray the white with water and use a paper towel to dab dry the leafs before putting back to light. U wont hurt the plant unless u r rough with it lol

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You’ve got this @Mark0427, that would have been my first guess…


Still need some reassurance tho lol. Never seen so white like that on a small plant before. Thats bright white lol

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@JustSmokeItB it seriously looks as if it had a drop of water with salt in it so tap water i assume and the drop dried on the leafs and when the leafs gre that spot just opened up from the looks id spray it a bit with water and dry leafs off and call it good unless it happens again then we can find an issue but for now i think ur good to just clean it off gentle and be on ur way woth her. Keep us posted as she grows we all love watching others progression as well.


So what parts of town u from @JustSmokeItB. Dont have to b specific just a roubd about u in michigan canada ohio ny. Im in michigan.


Im with you, I’m thinking some salt, calcium in the water left behind when the water dried up. I’d wipe it off and keep rolling


I agree. Just residue.

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Hi there @JustSmokeItB! :wave::wave:

Welcome to this wonderful place!
Loadsa people around to help you. These guys here so far have been really supportive. I know with their help you’ll do just fine.

I’ve got an auto myself, only a week or so away from harvest (I hope) so I’ll be watching and wishing you good luck!

CJ. :v:


Thanks all!!! THANKS TO @Mark0427 … Did just as he suggested and white residue gone or greatly reduced (though you won’t see this until Friday since I’ve reached my max number of replies for a noob). I’ll keep you posted!

@Mark0427, just south of Chicago!


Looks great just make sure not to over water it now for a bit til she gets a fair amount of good leaves on her. She is looking good now. Keep us posted. Ull notice if u like growing that ilgm is gonna be a second home to u and ur lady plants lol. My wife hates it i spend all my time in the grow room at work or on the forum here and on growers network both lol


Thanks! Yep, watering only every couple days when soil is drying out. All three ladies looking great this morning! Pics showing Blueberry first that had the worst of the white spots yesterday, then Northern Lights and last but definitely not least, Amnesia Haze.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the wife. If I’m not on the net researching, I’m checking in on the plants or logging journal entries. Mine’s awesome about it though… So long as I’m not talking about it 24/7 lol Prob doesn’t help I also work in the industry and talk about work constantly haha


Heres my lil garden


Looking nice and happy in there!


Very nice! What do you have growing? How old are they at those stages?

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