First time growing. Week 6 flower nute issues

First time growing. Week 6 flower nute issues.

I am mid week 6 flower of my bag seed wedding cake grow and out of no where I have yellowing leaves, brown spots and brown blotches spreading through all of my fan leaves and are now starting to form brown spots and tip burn on surgar leaves. I was getting ready to start flushing next week but now I don’t know if I should continue my nute schedule on the fox farm liquid nute schedule or if I should just flush now and harvest next week to avoid damaging the flower. My tricomes are about 10% clear 75% cloudy and 15% amber at least from what I can tell. I’m new to this and want ti salvage what I can from this grow but kind of at a cross roads. I went ahead a flushed 2 days ago because I don’t know if I was experiencing nute lock out. The decay of the leaves seems to have slowed but I can’t tell. I just don’t know whether to harvest early or try and correct the nute deficiency and continue adding muted or not. My pistol hairs are 80% white and 20% red/brown.

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1st assumption is nutrient toxicity and most likely over feeding and not watering or feeding to ample run off. Have you been testing the PH and PPMS of the run off :love_you_gesture: several weeks left before harvest


I argree with @OGIncognito you have several weeks and your pictures of trichomes appear to be of leafs they mature faster than actual bud.


This flow chart may help to diagnoss leaf problems

@OGIncognito is right you have a ways to go. Ignore the trichomes on sugar and fan leaves, they will mature mutch faster then those on your buds themselves. The plant matures from the top down so look at triches 1/3 of the way down the plant.
Og is also right about N toxicity, leaves look like leather and hunter green, which is a dead give to ph issue of somekind. Heat and light stress can cause a plant to drink alot more which furthers the toxicity.

Great trichomes on fan leaves pic. Treated right this lady gonna knock your socks clean off your feet and into the hamper! Speaking of the leaves, they are very cannoed! You are stressing your plant with too much heat, light or both. What kinda light are you using and how far is it from your plant? What kinda temps in your growspace?


Agreed. Still some time left to fatten up.

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Phlizon 600W LED Grow Light in a 2x2x4 vivo sun grow tent. My temps have been ranging from 82 to 74 day to night. My humidity is ranging 50-43 day to night no humidity or dehumidifier. I was running a humidifier during veg and that helped keep temps lower but now during flower I can’t run the humidifier now that I’m in flower. But once I removed the humidifier and switched on the bloom switch in addition to the veg switch temp increased. I’ve done everything I can to stabilize temps and I’m maxed out on options. They only thing I can do is shut off the veg switch and or the bloom switch. But then I will not be receiving full spectrum. Light is approximately 16” from top colla. I have not checked ppm or ph of run off yet. I will do that soon. Do you suggest I shut off the veg switch to reduce heat?

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Thank you to everyone helping me out. It is greatly appreciated

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Try moving it back a couple more inches. 18-24 inches pretty standard hang height. Use your hand as a guide. Hold it at canopy height for 30 seconds if its too hot for your hand its to hot for the plant. 82 isnt terrable but leaf temp could be higher.
What kind of runoff figures have you been seeing?

What size pot you growing in are you watering or feeding to 20% runoff. Are you following fox farm schedule using full strength or less.