First time grower, seeds in soil for about 41 hours in darkness under a dome with a heating pad.. should I turn my light on?

I soaked the seeds in water for just about 24 hours until they sank, then planted the seeds in jiffy cups in seedling soil that I watered first. In complete darkness. The tent has been maintaining 69/70 degrees F. The dome has had steady condensation. The soil temp according to the heating pad is maintaining between 71-73 degrees.

It’s been about 41 hours and they haven’t come through the soil yet I am wondering if I planted them too deep (about 3/4 to an inch). I was just curious as to how long they tend to take to sprout or if I should be adding light now? I keep debating turning my LED light on and keeping it about 40-44 inches above it (the recommended early stage for this light)

The soil is damp still. I am patient I just am nervous I buried them too deep or if I should have had a light on even though most say they don’t need light until they are seedlings. I don’t even know if they have fully cracked open because I put them into the soil just after they sank, they seemed maybe slightly cracked open when I took them out of the water but I was just more concerned about being gentle and not drowning them.

First welcome aboard I would turn the light on.


thank you! I am excited. okay I will do that ! should I do 24 hours or 18?

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I put mine directly in soil and they go in my veg tent with an 18/6 light cycle. A bit more distance between them and your light like you are suggesting is great. Ideally you would have them be a bit warmer, but they should be okay.

Seedlings don’t need much water at all.


I would start out with 24 till I got them up a couple inches. Then I would cut back to 18/6


I do the same but mine is a 12/12 cycle from start to finish.


Any idea of around when I should expect them to break the soil? like after X amount of time, should I try to investigate?

Mine usually break soil between 3 and 5 days.


Definitely don’t investigate you could break your plant


Definitely don’t recommend digging for it. Now if you have 400 seeds on stock, you could as you have plenty of seeds.

Best thing to do is a 18-24 hour soak. Then transfer to damp paper towels for 48 hours then plant in soil. Then place under your grow lights.

Mine usually pop in 2 to 3 days after places in soil.


thanks for the advice everyone! Tent has been maintaining about 75 degrees now with the light on. Hoping to see something sprout over the next couple days. I will report back!


Good luck… standings by…

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Happy cake day!!!

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Welcome, and you got one great advice above.


Thank you.

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Be patient, I had a Johaar seed sink in 24 hours, then placed in paper towel etc. Took 10 days to crack! Then another 5 days after that to surface!

Its a big plant now!


Ok so 4 out of the 6 broke soil today! I actually planted 6 hoping for 4 so I’m happy about that.

How do they look though? I know it’s early but a few seem a little worse than the others.

I know the pics aren’t great I just snapped them on my phone fast but I have a macro lens on my real camera I can use if you need a better look.


Thanks you were spot on they popped a few days after

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How do they look?

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they are way to young to really tell but they have very large Cotyledons (1st leaves you see), for the most part 0 to 7 days of life the plant is running off of what it stores in the seed. keep the environmental conditions good and read your plant, welcome and happy growing

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