First Time Grower - Paranoid About Light Burn & Temperatures

Could be the start of a magnesium deficiency.
Next time you water add 1-2 tsp of Epsom salt per gallon of water then adjust the Ph to around 6.5 and water slowly over a couple steps and 20 minutes between steps.

Very thorough job getting rid of the miracle grow soil. I myself would have just been happy with the new soil all around the old stuff when I up potted.

You’ll need to decide on how and what you are going to feed them the nutrients they will need to finish. All natural amendments can be used if that is your goal.
At this point there are several ways you’ll Feed them.
Top dressing dry amendments into the top inch or so of the soil (such as Epsom salts) and water that in. You can also feed them with dry amendments that can be dissolved into water and fed (such as Epsom salt) that provides magnesium and sulfur. There are also products that are premixed already in liquid form that you either then dilute if it is concentrated or feed as is if ready to use. These can be “easier” but cost more and your tossing a lot of plastic oil in trash via containers etc.
You can also foliar feed them nutrients. Back to the Epsom salt. You can mix up Epsom and water and put in a sprayer and foliar spray the leaves which will be a quicker correction for a deficiency than watering in the soil with a drench. Be careful doing this as you’ll want to 1) use correct ratios of water to nutrient. 2) careful to keep from burning your leaves from the magnifying effects of lights when water drops on leaves…foliar just before lights out…or…lower the output of the lights temporarily until leaves dry…or…raise the lights up temporarily etc. depends on what lights you use as to how much of this might happen.
I can spray leaves when using T5 fluorescent bulbs and not worry much about water drops burning leaves. But if I am using much stronger lights I will be concerned and alter things to keep that from happening.

Nitrogen in the miracle grow (nor any other nutrient such as phosphorus or potassium etc) wasn’t a bad thing per se as they will need a lot of it it was just that chemically designed fertilizer is akin to having an IV hooked up to you forcing all the stuff into you without regard to what you may really be needing. Miracle grow and other products can contain these little synthetic nutrient balls that will dissolve when they want to and not necessarily when the plants need them.
On the flip side using mother nature’s processes with a healthy soil food web allows all the critters to break down the nutrients in the soil into a usable form the plants can use. Then there are Mychorizal fungi that grow and connect to the roots and they share info and exchange nutrients back and forth so they both are happy.
Soil Food Web | NRCS Soils
Teaming with Fungi - excerpts from the book

Just like in the ocean there is a pecking order little fish gets eaten by bigger fish and all the while they are alive they are shitting out food for other things that can use it and on and on. Decay!

Growing naturally and organically can be a challenge at first sifting through all the information especially when it comes to all the stuff being sold. For example the fox farm nutrient line. (Google them and learn why)“…”…not knocking fox farm as they have a lot of great offerings just using them as an example of what too look for when considering food for the soil critters.
Big Bloom is considered organic
Tiger bloom is considered synthetic
Bother products made by Fox Farms…
Organic works with the soil food web and provides the food buffet and the critters can walk up to the offerings and decide what they want to put on their plate.
Synthetics provide now ready nutrients that the plants roots can take in sometimes even when they really don’t want what is being served.
Natural nutrients slow to show corrections like when they need more nitrogen because of yellowing upper leaves.
Synthetic nutrients fast to feed plants directly the nitrogen for example but also much easier to overdose them with nutrients too.
Synthetics can and do harm the critters populations and can throw the soil food web out of balance.
The critters eat, shit and reproduce and are also a food supply for bigger critters. They as a whole web are master chefs cooking up the nutrients when needed.

Get a bag of earth worm castings too. Many ways to use this stuff. Full of living and dormant critters and food that help with the soil food web. Top dress some into soil or Put in bucket with water and air stone and some unsulphered black strap molasses and make some aerated compost tea to water with.
Mix it in with the soil you use before transplanting etc.

Future options can be buying ready to use Super Soil that contains all the nutrients to take you from seed to harvest and you just add Phd water. There are several makers of this type of pre made soil. Kind Soil is one such company. Build a soil is another.

You can also buy the ingredients and make your own super soil. The ingredients needed vary by recipe but most of them would be the same you’ll need now to feed them. The dry amendments I use mostly come from a company called Down To Earth Products been around since ‘77 and respect Mother Earth.

Here is a link to a super soil recipe. I just mixed up the 1/2 size recipe making 45 gallons of super soil and will use 50% super soil on bottom of pots and 50% of bagged soil like roots organic original or one of Fox Farms mixes as the top half of say a 5 gallon sized pot. So my 45 gallons will give me a total of 90 gallons soil at a 50/50 mix.
This if mixed correctly would also be a water only grow so unlike what you’ll be doing with this grow feeding and all would be less involved.

The soil I mixed is currently “cooking” as it’s called referring to the natural process of breaking down things and getting the soil food web started etc. getting it ready for the roots and plant etc.

Great move putting them into bigger homes. FYI 2 gallon pots are really small to finish them in but can be done. In general if Auto seeds 3 gallon pots or bigger. Photos seeds 5 gallon pots or bigger. Bigger the pots the more soil the more soil more roots more plant etc.

Anyway long post hope this helps.
A lot of great folks here to help and a lot of information already posted here that you can also search for.
I’m new as well but learning too as I go.

Search - Daily Light Integral

Temperature and Humidity
Search - vapor pressure deficit

Feeding the soil critters and not the plants is what your wanting to do!
