First Time Grow Indoor Cheese Auto

Ever since I’ve seen pistols I’ve been trying to do that. It’s definitely been taking off and needing more and more water. Watching this baby fatten up is going to be mouth watering.


You’re doing a great job man, keep it up!


Up up and away she goes :muscle:


@FNG101v2 looks good


Thank you!

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Hell yeah man! Keep her going :v:


Well the mites surely aren’t eradicated. I am going to chalk this up to something that’s going to continue to be preventative maintenance until harvest. I’m going to introduce the Trifecta with this evenings watering.

The deficiency has taken over the branch that was previously affected and continued to take the branch. I’m going to assume that branch with be a loss. Everything else on the other hand looks pretty well. I’m not sure if upping the kelp meal will correct this issue or not. :tired_face: Argh…

I removed the branch that was deficient to get better pics and it looks progressive so I doubt it would have been worth it to leave.


Sorry to see u lost a branch brother :confused: did u try cloning the top part of it?

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Can’t clone an Auto. Would’ve been a waste.

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Oh. I read so many journals I guess I can’t keep em straight
Sorry :wink:


@Redeyedranger it is difficult

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Its even in the title. lol :joy:

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Not sure I would have taken that branch just yet. Deficiency starting from the bottom up in flower is normal. Think we could have saved her, but it’s your plant and you have the best view of her… chalk it up to a learning experience :v:


Every single thing that happens with this grow I’m chalking up to learning. From my point of view I saw it as a branch that wouldn’t most likely continue to develop which was the only reason I removed it. I looked at it as I’d rather remove the branch then it focus on trying to continue and recover it. That branch and the other branch I removed the other week both had really weak purple branches so I didn’t think much would come of it or the bud. Thanks for checking in buddy!


@raustin @Mrcrabs @MattyBear

I’m leaving tomorrow night for a few days. Taking a family vacation. Any who I’ll have about 10 hours to do nothing but smoke and read in the car. I’d really like to take some of the time to brush up on all the stuff I’ll need to prepare for in the up coming flowering stage/ harvest/ dry/ cure.

I have a few topics bookmarked and a few websites to read through, do any of you either have any suggestion on material to read up on or anything specific I should focus on learning and understanding for later stages of growth. I like to be as well prepared as possible before these stages creep up on me. Thanks in advance :innocent:

FYI even if it’s not harvest related any good topic, article, material that I could gain some knowledge from would be stupendous.


No that was lol funny :laughing:

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Can I recommend a book? “The Cannabis Encyclopedia” by Jorge Cervantes will keep you busy for ten hours. I’m sure you could download it from Amazon. It covers pretty much everything and is one of those books that all growers read, definitely something you want to be familiar with. There are many techniques used and explained in depth.


Of course you can! Thanks!

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@FNG101v2 teaming with microbes, the science behind organic living soil