First Indoor Grow - Midwest

Plus I could see it being like How High, show up back home and Half the damn bush is on fire :fire: with like 5 leaves left on it!

Ask what happened and just get a shoulder shrug for an answer!


Yep I know it seems off, believe me. Iā€™d rather them be in their best state. But this is a gamble, Iā€™m not sure which plant or THC content or trichrome color percentage will be best for my needs. So I had already planned on pulling buds at different stages to gauge this for the next grow.


Sure. With that explanation Iā€™m assuming you have very limited experience smoking. Sucks you are in a position where you canā€™t do it appropriately.
If you donā€™t know what your looking for.
If you pull early all of your work will have been for nothing, as you might not even enter the first stage where you should pull.
Too early, itā€™ll be super racy, uncomfortable, and not very euphoric. Decarbing and using alcohol may turn out a bad tasting and unpleasant product.
To each their own.
You already seem certain on pulling when you want to pull.
Drying and curing takes about 2.5 months if you do it right.

Good luck and I hope you get what you are after! :v:t3::sunglasses::dash:


Yeah you nailed it!

Last time I smoked was in 2009. Itā€™s quite ironic seeing as a hobby I DJ and have played many shows and events and have so many offers for anything under the sun. But Iā€™ve never done anything other than weed and my prescriptions of morphine.

This was a literal whim. My doctors said it might help, $900ā€™ish later here we are. I was using CBD to get the morphine dose lower, which worked but Iā€™m up well over what Iā€™d want to pay per month which is $500 on CBD oils. It does suck for timing had they mentioned this around January or February not that big of deal could take more time but s*** happens.

In truth my doctors never even thought Iā€™d be able to get to where I am now with CBD. I got the one disease thatā€™s like cancer without the dying aspect, or treatment. Like the one drug FDA approved to treat symptoms costs $40,000 per vial (I get 3 a month) and the manufacture just filed bankruptcy this year so yeah Iā€™m on a deadline cause at any moment I could not have medication. Bad situation all around but Iā€™m trying to keep positive thoughts and making timing judgment calls.

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Ok, well Iā€™m not gonna piss in a cup and tell you itā€™s tea.

Obviously youā€™ve been through the ringer, we all have. Sucks, my mom would still be alive if she was prescribed marijuana. But it wasnā€™t legal for another few years.
I have a very significant and diverse background but that has nothing to do with the crop.
But, Tbh you might be good depending on the genetics, you might luck out. But these damn plants are stubborn! If I were in your situation Iā€™d trust someone to finish. I mean how would one mess up plain water every few days for the last few weeks?
Iā€™ll be watching. Tag me anytime. :v:t3:Iā€™ll give you all the honesty I got within my knowledge!


Believe me I appreciate the insight. Absolutely, without question!:pray::pray:

As things get closer I may see other options, Iā€™m definitely not ruling anything out. Itā€™s a fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for me every day with these girls. I definitely know there are ups and downs for these. ILGM has pretty much become my daily read, just like the girls, sucking up all the nutrients you and others have to offer. But I definitely know if I take to early I reap what I sow. Im stubborn though, even if I get a bad batch off these girls it wonā€™t deter me, Iā€™ll chalk it up to bad lesson learned, reprocess my method and start again. This is my long term goal but I work every day trying to find other alternatives until I have a good system with my grow.


Day 32 - Skywalker OG, Blue Dream, Cali Dream

Well the girls are looking good, Rey has really been taking off. Ash and Miley are coming back from being topped.

And Leia is just trucking along.

As a bit of a change in choices thanks to helpful information from @Low , the girls have still been on their 18/6 schedule. I put a lot of thought into what Low said and I would prefer the girls be completely ready for the switch to flower.

So I made a split decision Friday to drive over to Denver and stock up. While it was a costly trip $1,200 (no big deal right?!) this will allow me to let the girls run a true full grow without rushing them.

Before I left I did feed the girls and noticed something interesting so I am tagging a few to get some insight in my thoughts on it.

@MadamCalamity @dbrn32 @kaptain3d @AfgVet @imSICKkid

Friday the girls were fed to RO,

Their water is PH to 5.96 with a PPM of 1200, this is also going less than the FF Hyrdo Schedule.

Their RO for each tested PH 5.0 and PPM of 7200+ :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

Sooooo, that PPM is way high, yet the girls have not shown any signs of having an issue with either. They keep flourishing.

Now I plan to get some distilled water PH to 6.5 and give them a flush to see if it lowers the PPM and bumps the PH to 5.5-5.8. All that would be in the water would be CalMag but no other nutrients.

My question, should I just flush completely and reset PPM (obviously Iā€™m planning to check again, seems way off). But Iā€™m also wonder since the girls are not showing any signs of distress, should I just flush to 20% RO and then just watch them for a bit before feeding again? I know with COCO Iā€™ve been told to keep up with feeding at each watering, so due to that Iā€™ve kept the recommendations from FF to 1/3 their value.

When I checked the TDS meter on my control it was accurate still, so I donā€™t believe the meter is wrong, but that just seems way high for them being fed 1000-1200PPM only 4 times in the 5G pots.


Iā€™ve also seen @PurpNGold74 have a lot of insight on other posts. So hope you donā€™t mind the tag I would be curious your thoughts on the girls also.


Also if anyone is curious their environment is in here is week look. I donā€™t have high faith in the accuracy of the meter but for logging to build a formula off itā€™s been useful. The average is pretty consistent with my hand meter and Fluke meter.

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Seems pretty high. You could flush down to reasonable levels and leave it. But if you flush to stripped I would follow up with healthy feeding.

Also wanted to point out that straight distilled water doesnā€™t ph well. So if you want to ph to specific point you should run ppm up to 150 or higher before trying to adjust ph.


Look good and healthy to me. Id keep doing your thing


@dbrn32 @imSICKkid

Good info, havenā€™t ever tried to PH distilled.

Yeah Iā€™m planning to watch them another 24-36 hours as they were pretty much fed 48 hours ago. I figured I would wait to see if any signs show up.

Information for COCO PH showed that 5 was the bear minimum but could cause nutrient lock. So I wasnā€™t sure if that could be keeping them from being affected by the high PPM, but Iā€™m planning to see what happens before shocking the girls.


Thatā€™s very possible.


Yey! Iā€™m so glad you took lows advice. I know it wasnā€™t something you wanted to hear but in the end it will be worth it! Your girls are looking great!


I was wondering why you take morphine.
I take Methadone, and itā€™s equivalent to almost 300mg morphine a day. I had cancer 37 years ago, and the radiation scarred the nerves in my head, and killed some of my skull. Whoever wrote you that prescription has a moral obligation to continue doing so until there is no longer a need for it, then they write your "step down prescription(s) to safely get you off of it. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I am on Methadone. It has fewer side effects than Morphine. When I had my deep brain stimulator put in it ended up cutting my pain meds in half. So they stepped me down with Methadone. Since then (1998) they have found that Methadone is a great pain medication for those with chronic severe pain. Having said all of that, I donā€™t know why you would be cut off, or not be able to get your prescription for it. Pain can grind on you big time. I hope whatever is causing you pain will stop or get much better friend. Peaceā€¦

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Sorry to hear about that situation as well. I was originally on fentanyl. But when my lungs became compromised I suffered severe breathing complications, morphine is the safest for that. The disease I have is sarcoidosis in my heart, lungs, nerves, and skin. A big issue with the disease is how it attacks the lymphatic system and in multi organ it makes it difficult to directly target the pain. Where I am at methadone has to be controlled by a clinic which there are not any here that have a specialist to work with mine. Itā€™s also dangerous for those with compromised lungs and cardiac issues. The last resort they had was Prialt for me. The downside is while it helps those in my stage itā€™s not approved as a treatment so itā€™s an out of pocket cost. So the specialist I see recommended trying high doses of CBD which seemed to work long enough to stop the morphine and Percocet. However, being on the doses so long other medications became less effective even at max dose to help other symptoms of the disease. So between all the ones I see they agreed after finding out that the manufacturer of the only FDA approved treatment filed bankruptcy that I should look into medicinal cannabis. Ideally in edibles or tinctures. Downside to rare disease that not a lot of knowledge exists in what causes it and available treatments.

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Man I am sorry to hear that. When I was treated the National Cancer Institute had never seen a case like mine. They didnā€™t want to take me but my doctor insisted. So off we went. Surgery Friday and Monday we went to NCI. They told my mom I was going to die. Anyway, I can say this. If you hang around long enough science will make developments in your treatment. That happened with my deep brain stimulator. I did research on it, and for a few years and it was only available in Toronto for awhile. Eventually they started doing them in the USA and I got one. Were you saying the Prialt company went out of business or the med you used to be on? A lot of times you can contact the drug maker and they have programs that will reduce your cost. You might check into that. I was a social worker in a hospital for 7 years and made referrals like that. Some let you set up a payment plan. If the cannabis is working enough you can decrease your morphine to knock your resistance down. I have done that a couple of times. Thatā€™s the thing about pain meds. The nerves get used to it and you build tolerance. Eventually you will have to take so much that you cannot function or the pain becomes too severe. Believe it or not I have been praying for you. I pray for anyone who is sick or suffering. I am not that religious of a person, but I have seen a miracle or two. Some say I am a miracle, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. Hey, you tag me whenever you need help, and I will do what I can. If there are any groups for your diagnosis you should take advantage of them. They often have information and other helpful stuff specifically for your diagnosis. I may do a little digging to see what I can find. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve already done this, but I would just like to help if I can. There are developments all the time so you never know what you will find. With artificial intelligence becoming a reality soon there may be some developments. Take care and holler if you need anything. It may be tomorrow before I get back to you. I have a doctorā€™s appointment 2 hours away to see about fixing a skin graft in my mouth that has come loose. Peaceā€¦


@patchman @PiratedSoldier another reason to love this forum. I hate the struggles others have to go thru but LOVE seeing the determination and sheer will to push thru. These kinda convos are some of my favorites around here. Just two humans genuinely being empathetic to each other and discussing minor miracles. :pray:t5: Prayers for you both.


Thanks man! Speaking for me, I am just like anybody else, just got dealt a bad hand. I would never consider folding, just keeping the pain at bay. Marijuana is an important ā€œtoolā€ in my pain toolbox. As long as I rotate my tools out the longer I think they will work. You can build a tolerance to anything. I live in the south too- dang itā€™s been hot and humid lately! Have a good one man! Peaceā€¦


Yea its been a rough few days right? On and off rain nonstop is a recipe for 90%+ all weekend around here

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