First grow with autos royal dwarf RQS and Blue Dream'matic Fast Budz

That is often talked about but I have never had any issues with FFOF and I feed the hell out of my plants after flipping. I can’t even get them to get brown tips from nute burn and I feed in excess of what FF recommends. I think the reason is that I BLAST my plants with light.

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This was last night and then this morning


Its better to give them one heavy watering and let her dry out before giving her another. Giving her two light watetings can cause problems like uneven saturation which whend drying out it will have drier parts of soil than in others parts of your pot.


They didnt have any problems woth the ffof took right off and never shown signs of burnt tips beside when i caused it with one just a few leaves was all I used osmocote 14-14-14 but I use megacrop now at half dosage

When you water to runoff, you want, say you use a gallon, you want 20% of said gallon to pour out the bottom. It helps flush out excess salts and nutrients


There is a bit of lighting difference making comparison ify, but I think they look a bit better in the second photo. Let them dry out until they just start to droop and soil is pulling away (as stated earlier). Then water to run off.

I think you are getting on the right track here, these folks will not steer you wrong.

Remove the run off water, don’t leave it in the tray.

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Ok the last time. Before this time I watered and didn’t get any runoff really I have a tray undr them that catches the runoff and i came back bout 15 min later and there’s wasn’t any really just looked like I spilled some off to the side

Do y’all think with me moving them to outdoors it should help plus not having me hoovering over them lol but I probably won’t be able to check daily probably every 2 days

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Make sure you start watering to runoff with ph water and don’t over feed and you should be good


Start feeding with 2 gallons. You should get about 4 cups of runoff. And watch for the dirt to pull away from the sides before watering again. Which is usually 4 to 5 days. Being outside is a different animal, you may water sooner.

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Thanks man I think that has a lot to do with it and beimy a hoovering parent and worrying it was to dry and giving small amounts led to it being over watered

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And if you water sooner like @imSICKkid says, don’t feed as heavy

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Like my others look good

Or do they looked a little over watered

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Hmm got quiet on me in here all by my self hmmm scary


on the top left picture i see darkness around the plant and light around the outside of the pot as for the soil. i try to keep water away from main stem and water around the outside edges to try to induce the plant to spread out it’s roots and use the whole pot. i try to have a 2 or 3 inch diameter i leave alone around stem.

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They dont look so much over watered. They are just sitting in rich soil. After you start watering heavier, it will help with that.

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Switch to watching my friend

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I will be busy all day got to drive threw storm

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And a army of kids to round up

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