First grow using Worm Poo as medium

Have you ordered the mantids before? I got 3 of them and have them hanging in jars atm. Local pet store sells wingless fruit flies that I’ll grab once they start hatching but wondering what do do with them all as can be 50-200 per pod. Depending on local weather at the time of hatching and being able to release them outside or needing larger housing inside.

I had some window screen I cut out for lids and ran wire twist ties along sticks and through screen to hold them up and put some old stems in there too with a paper towel and keeping it moist. Been about a week or so. Excited to watch the exit of the little buggers and hope the local temps are stable for release.
Any suggestions if you’ve gone through this process before jewels would be welcome


I’ve hatched millions(maybe that’s an exaggeration…)

I usually buy 10 cases at a time. I put one in a paper bag with viewing window on the top of my LED grow light for warmth. The rest I keep in my garage where it’s colder until I’m ready to hatch.

Once they hatch I release into my garden. If you leave them in the jar for more than a day, they’ll start eating eat other. Not sure if that would still happen if another food source was available.

Never tried, but read that they eat honey.


Something about this video bugs me


Refreshing and reinforcing my brain :brain:
Good info for those that haven’t seen these videos


Im bugged out…


Interesting read



Another great use for old plants
Came home this afternoon and checked the praying mantid eggs in the jars and one of them had hatched. I’m guessing they popped out last night sometime. I had to get an old fish tank set up for them. Had some screen paying around and made a top cover and put the old lid and light on top of that.
Came back upstairs and took a quick look at the other two jars and another egg sack started hatching. It took about 30-40 minutes for the majority of them to pop out and expand and start walking. That was so cool catching that hatch. Had to run out and get some wingless fruit flies and released some into the tank.

Oh yea and the ladies are doing great too.

Enjoy the day and keep feeding your endocannabinoid system folks

Quick fact:the human body produces THC on its own and I’m sure many other things we just don’t know yet.
Amazing shit!


That’s pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.


You probably already know this but,if they don’t have something to eat,they will start eating each other PDQ. They’ll probably eat each other regardless


My current round about 3-4 weeks into flower. All from seed started in cow pots and then put into 1 gallon pots where they will finish out the grow.
Been challenging using 1 gallon pots keeping them fed and hydrated.
I had issues with both thrips and spider mites but have gotten them under control. Initially I used foliar spray consisting of 1 qt RO with 1 Tbsp Dr Bronners peppermint soap and 3/4 Tbsp of Neem oil plus 5-10 drops peppermint essential oil.
Introduced meat eating mites Amblyseius fallacis middle March.
Added lady bugs about 3 weeks ago.
Introduced minute pirate bugs and meat eater mites Amblyseius Swirskii over the last 2 weeks.
Added some praying mantids about 3 days ago along with some wingless fruit flies.
So along with topping my pots with worm poo from my worm farm which have spring tails and brown and white mites and worms I have a bug “infested” grow going on and I’m embracing it!

Don’t try this at home-unless you want too haha.
image image image

Keep feeding your Endo-Cannabinoid system folks


Reposting the ladies pics…for some reason the above ones are grainy

Well dam must be the originals…


Question for @dbrn32
Hope all is well with you it’s been awhile since I’ve been active here but having an issue I just noticed with my PLC build on one of the fixtures.
Both identical with 8 PLC strips each and a mean well HLG 320h c1400b drivers each. One of the fixtures is reading lower output using my lux meter and that same fixtures power supply isn’t as warm to the touch nor using my laser temp meter as the other one. All strips look normal except a couple diodes are not lit.
Wondering if the driver is partially bad or going bad or could it be the dimmer pot?
Any ideas on troubleshooting this? Like removing the pot and seeing if that makes a difference?



Good to see you around!

Do you have a dimmer wired to leads? If you do, first thing I would do is disconnect 1 lead or remove dimmer from the dimming circuit and see if that makes a difference. If resistance of pot is low, or won’t make voltage on 0-10 dimmer the driver won’t make full power. I have had this happen to me. With dimming circuit open the driver should make full output if everything else is good.

If you don’t have issue there, I would then try to remove 1 strip from circuit. This driver should run 8 no problem, but if you happened to get a batch with little higher forward voltage it could be enough to raise circuit voltage out of range. If you get driver overvoltage condition the driver will drastically reduce current. That would be similar to what you are currently seeing as well.

Please let me know if either helps you figure this out.


Sit pot sit
Bad pot bad
Yep my pot went bad.
Pot entiometer that is



That’s a bit better


Of all things, that is easy to check and fix. If you want replacement its 100k ohm for 1 driver or 50k ohm for two drivers. I would check before installing because typical tolerance is +/- 5-10%. If it’s higher resistance you are fine, but lower resistance won’t let driver make full power.

I had a box of 10 I used one and rest sat in my garage couple years. Not a single one of the 9 remaining is good anymore. Cheap ones from Amazon.


Got them from rapid when I built lights.
Lasted 18 months or so.
Probably order a couple so I have a spare.


Not a bad idea. Hope life is good now that this is behind you.


Good pot good, thats what you are growing!