First Grow From Beginning to End

From the looks of your girls they look really healthy so I’m sure those clones are going to do great. Now you just need space haha

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Well, I could make the space available with no problem, just can’t afford the lights to equip another full room. I already have two rooms setup totaling nearly 150 square feet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I hear that.
As you will see soon when I get my journal up and going any day now, I use one of those little parabolic light hoods. I think some people call them umbrella hoods? I’ve been wanting to upgrade that piece of equipment forever now. I should probably do that instead of getting more seeds, but I tell ya some of these strains I just want to have in my inventory.
Keep up the good work! You’re doing outstanding.


I’m out of likes for another hour… so here’s thumbs up and a tree haha :+1::deciduous_tree:


Thx man… :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin::+1: Love the tree! My weed garden is trying to channel the 200’ tall fir trees that surround my house. Try as they might, they are falling short of the mark. Good thing too, my ceiling is only 9’ LOL

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Haha I thought it was appropriate. The way your grow is going you could let those things become giant trees or shrubs if you wanted to haha

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I am keeping a very close eye on one of my White Widow plants. It has been stunted compared to it’s companion and has been stubborn about flowering so far.

It is a feminized photo from ILGM but it may end up being a male or hemie, not sure yet. I am still hoping to see pistils without pollen sacks but it’s growth pattern has been very different than the other White Widow. If this plant does anything unseemly I will certainly need to eliminate it’s clones from the army. We have a zero tolerance for males in our “clone army”.


I think that’s a great policy to have for your army. Too funny.
You doing great. You’re very attentive and paying attention to detail. I have no doubt that you will be able to save her as long as it’s a girl.


This plant (WW3), while stunted is otherwise very healthy looking. It may be a slow starter and need a bit more time. I am not rushing to judgement, we only act on hard cold facts around here! I look under her skirt each morning and afternoon looking for “facts”.


Oh my gosh. That’s like the third time I found myself laughing this morning. Thank you for the great posts.

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You have to do that at the bars around some parts of Vegas.


Damn Merlin, they are looking amazingly. Really nice job buddy!!!

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Wow, there are some mental images you can’t un-see! :rofl:

Thanks @ReMoLu, I just hope they end up producing after all of the time, effort and $$$$. I am playing the waiting game while they decide to start making buds.:stopwatch:

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His was nuclear.


It’s possible that you feel your buds are behind because of not counting the pre flower phase. It’s normally considered to last two weeks from the time you flip the light schedule.

I think your plants are looking great!

For the odd growth pattern you’re observing with WW3, I would assume different phenotype before male/hermie. I know you’re still watching to verify, but I wanted to give you something positive to think on.

Rockin’ it…


Perfect, thank you @FloridaSon, we all need something positive from time to time. :+1:

OK, I am about a week in. I just checked them and the Gold Leaf are really getting with the program. Little Miss Stubborn (White Widow) may be showing signs of pre-flower pistils, still difficult to tell for certain.

Tried to get a photo of the GL tops but they are not far enough along to really be photogenic. You can make out the denser pistil formation with your naked eye but it doesn’t really show very well in a photo. In couple of days there will something worth photographing.


@neckNflu @ReMoLu @FloridaSon @elheffe702 @raustin @dbrn32
Thank you all for dropping by and having a look. It’s nice to share this whole experience with folks that have a common interest and appreciation. Even though I live in a legal state in the US, there are social and professional risks to people knowing that you grow. We keep this a closely guarded secret.
Your support and great attitudes make this a really fun place to hang out.


I’m glad we can make it fun for you @merlin44 I am quite aware of the stigma associated with this plant, that’s why very few know.
I’m also glad to hear your clone army is doing well. You’ll see flowers soon enough. You’re doing great. Been busy at work, but I’m caught up. Most of all, thank you for your service, if I haven’t said it before. Both my grandfathers served in the service, in different wars.


Who doesn’t like to bs about weed? And you know I’ve looked at different ways of implementing some of the same automation, so pretty easy to be interested in what you’re doing. Sometimes I get a little buried in the led stuff and fall behind, but I’ll definitely be following along the remainder of this one and future grows. Keep up the good work!