Fathers Day She Broke Through

Thanks for your help I am figuring another couple of weeks.


Anytime!! Heck if I can repay just a little Iā€™ve recieved here Iā€™m glad to do it!! She is a strong one, think the leafs should come around with feedings and good ph!

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I hope so hate to lose her now sheā€™s been through quite a bit but kept growing. Topped both Bubblegum twins they are chugging along nicely living with Geraniums. Not sure if Iā€™m gonna use living soil with FFOF or not. I still have time to decide.

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Nawā€¦you got this! Sheā€™ll be ok!
The Twins are starting out good!
I think Iā€™m gonna top at the 5-6th node next time, love the short stocky but curious as to how big a scrog 1 plant could fill ? Heard peopl say they can get a 4x4 filledā€¦ but yet to see it LOL.


Sheā€™s coming up on 7 months and sheā€™s an Auto.


Wow, long time for a auto, havent grown any yet, going for a stash of meds first then maybe Iā€™ll try some!

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I really hope my autos dont take seven months. That would really mess with my continual plan. I have the first two autos Iā€™ve ever grown in the seedling stage right now.

Yep, those pictures were three days ago. Late reply, but great garden. I love companion plants.


September with the twins and 14 Geraniums


OMG :open_mouth: Sheā€™s getting enormous! Do you have a drying space all dialed in? I canā€™t remember. Sheā€™s gonna need it! Lotā€™s of bulk there. :+1:


I think I will move tent out of closet and use closet for drying. I think Iā€™m still a few weeks out.


She sure is getting fat! Looking great on all of them, the geraniums too!
Getting ready to go chop another one of mine!! Hope your in good health!

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Hang in there Witchhouse, ride her all the way home :v:

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Here is the family this morning, well part of it!!!


Looks like shes trying! Shes been a long one!

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Good morning everyone I hope you all are doing well

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Septemberā€™s cola


:thinking: starting to wonder if theres a bug thing going on? , I donā€™t know Witchhouse why itā€™s doing that all the time! Read on someoneā€™s journal here that they found some kind of root bug that was doing that to theirsā€¦ but maybe someone can pop in a help! Tag some staff maybe they know someone that has delt with this before and can Tag in the right people for you! @latewood, @dbrn32, @Gremmall @Not2SureYet @
I try to remember tags but I havent taged anyone in a while,(even in my journal) dont remember who to tag is my problem ā€¦Lol.
Is it Root Bound?? That could be the problem, had similar issues once but it got potted up it went away pretty quick so idkā€¦ but itā€™s a guess only.
Sure hope someone comes in! Tag , tag ,Tag!


Thanks she is in a 5 Gallon I can transplant in a 10 gallon if recommend @Cyle1 @QueenCityB @CoyoteCody @elheffe702 @PurpNGold74


@Amazon66 had the same issue of crazy amount of time taken with an auto.


Jeezz man thatā€™s a lot of work! as long as shes holding up Iā€™d wait untill someone with more knowledge than me to say so first for that extreme measure! But I have seen 5 gal get bound up, not often, mostly on ones that re-veged though. There Something going on and itā€™s not Nutes,Youā€™ve done all thatā€¦Not ph, not ppms, I think you have pretty much done everything I knkw to do except check it over super good for mites or what have you, but Iā€™m pretty sure you did that when you trimmed the dead leafsā€¦OR Shes Root bound. Now This Again soā€¦:thinking::thinking:
Iā€™m leaning towards some kind of Root issue at this pointā€¦ go the the admin page and Tag all the moderators, mentors, regulars! I rooting for you and this stubborn girl thatā€™s for sure!!