Fans ( sale right now)

Just wanted to share a great sale for anyone like myself who needed an extra fan or two.

I won’t post where but the store that has a big red logo that looks like a bullseye :dart:. They are having 50% off a ton of fans right now.
I got this guy for $12 and each half can be adjusted to blow different ways and is pretty good. Will make a great below canopy fan.

Just wanted to share that if you are also in the market for a fan it’s worth checking your local bullseye department store fan section.



@GrowingIs4Everyone Good name too. I use their fans in my house. Thanks pal

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Anytime, they also had a few other bigger and smaller good brand fans on sale. I just happened to need something like this but they also had a really nice I forget the brand ( they are usually in black and red boxes they make like turbo whatever models) for like $8 on sale.

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Nice find!! Towers are great for top and bottom of canopy

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