Drying in greenhouse

Im debating on cutting today, but the temps in the greenhouse are like 80F that’s with the sun going thru and 47 humidity, Maybe once i close it to be dark temps would go down? Thoughts on this anyone ? Have no other place to dry, was planning on drying for 3 days there and the rest in a table spread out

Im wet trimming btw

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Appliance stores will give you a refrigerator box for free.

Drying in a greenhouse seems like a terrible idea. Light is deleterious to every quality we value in dried flower.

My preference is 60f/60rh, lots of airflow, and absolute dark.

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might just do it in one of my rooms with a ac on, checking temps right now, is that a good idea ?

Yes. As long as you can monitor it. And I’d still place the flowers inside a box with airflow inside of the conditioned room.

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ima just hang them across the room like that.