Do you think it would be bad to flower rn

I heard that plants double in size Sometkmes when they go into flower I wanna start rn so they don’t get to big and out grow the lights is there a date they do have to?

It is common to flip to flower around 8 weeks. Large sativa heavy strains I have had to go earlier. Small more compact plants you can push a little longer. Doubling in height is for the most part a safe measurement. I can’t think of one that has actually happened. However I often use a net and have supercropped plants to maintain a certain height.
You plants look great. How far along are they. The large one could be a handful. But she has a nice canopy. Nice work on her.


What do I trim before flower

I lollipop as it grows and finish up at flip. I will also thin out leaves and extra growth from the center of the plant.
This is what it looks like

I usually manifold my plants so the center is already fairly open.
Above the 2nd net