Diy dry herb vape

anybody know which dry herb vape has the largest bowl and size of bowl?

can anyone help me build a diy dry herb vape that can hold a zip?

maybe it should be like a miniature popcorn popper - u know itll blow the herb up and mix it around while it heats

then i guess i could just use a popcorn popper!! lol and put a pound or so. you know…
for when people come over

a popcorn popper gets greaterthan 450degrees F,
i think thats too hot for a vape

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I would contact Cypress Hill. I’m sure they’ve done this :rofl:


I was into vaping a bit but I keep going back to a bowl or joint. anyways yes 450 is getting if not close to combusting. I have to look it up but you are looking at say 250 - 400 that is about the range of vaping verse combusting which would be more like the 450 and up. The AVB (already vaped bud) should be like a light coffee color and the dark the AVB the closer to combusting.

yes. i think the sweet spot for temp is 420. lol seriously

Haha funny you say that. The vape I have has manual temperature control and can set it so that it automatically ramps up in temperature. I think I would do 275 for 2 mins then 375 for 3 mins then end on 420 for 3 mins

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sounds perfect. id even go for a progressive heat for a vape chamber where vaped bud circulates in the air as the bud heats, then is pulled off in one or more big rips. similar to filling a bag off a volcano but a large glass chamber. it could be called a vape bong

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Use an adjustable temp wood burner 200C-440C with some kind of bowl adapter

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That’s what I run mine at, it will go to 428F

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I use a mig matrix. Big bowl and fully adjustable temp.

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Now I really want to modify a popcorn popper’s temp & make a giant vape!

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a vape bong!!!

I really think that would work. A really giant, super powered convection vape. If I get a lot of larf from my harvest, I might pack a popcorn maker & get down.