Did I kill my plant?

So here is my gods gift that I tried to bend last week for a even canopy. Was hoping it needed water since I haven’t watered in 4 or 5 days. What do you think?


Assuming you didn’t snap any branches Shes probably droopy from lack of water. It’s been 4-5 day I’d water till you get some runoff, then let them be. Pick up the pot it’s probably really light, after you water check again it’ll be really heavy, wait till it’s light again before next watering

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So here is my gods gift that I tried to bend last week for a even canopy. I should also add that when I bent it I snapped the main stem. Through some tape on it and prayed she’d be okay :sob:

Was hoping it needed water since I haven’t watered in 4 or 5 days.

And here are some pictures from last week before I bent it and moved it in front of the GDP it was behind.

What do you think? Did I kill my tallest baby? :sob:

Sorry, I couldn’t get my post to edit so this was what I was trying to edit it to that wouldn’t let me

Man, I am so sorry for the hardship! I understand how sentimental our plants are to us; we fret and worry over them so!!! They are kind of like children. I don’t know if you “killed it” but I do know that Nature wants to survive! You broke the main stem, have taped it up and are waiting for the outcome. Nature is determined and I’m sure you have done what you can to help it recover! I will remember you during the “waiting period” for recovery. It ain’t over till it’s over! Hang in there brother!


Give her some water and see what the outcome is in a few days, hopefully she will recover from the snapped stem.

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I snapped my stem and taped it. Grew back thick and strong in like a week