Deficiency or something else?

Can anyone tell me what this is?

Being an outdoor plant, that opens it up to a lot of different culprits to cause weirdness in them. With just seeing a couple pics and not knowing anything else, my best educated guess would be some type of pest or a rust fungus


Cheers, I’ll look more into these two

Would you have any ideas on how to prevent the fungus from possibly spreading over the plant

I would remove the infected leaf if it’s just on the one. Do you have pics of the whole plant?



It looks good. Was it only on the one leaf? I’d remove it if so

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Thanks. No it was on multiple big fan leaves and about 6 little fan leaves. I cut them off and there seems to be no further spread as of yet. I’ll keep a close eye on her though :grin:

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But whatever it was, it did spread fast. Its been very humid and hot lately, with rain here and there so that’s probably another reason to how this rust fungus came about

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Yeah, growing outdoors can be stressful at times because you are not in control. You get all Mother Nature has to offer