Debbie's First Shot at Seeds

They are on their way
Don’t think it will be 9 months till harvest this time around


Damn I’m still old school then. I use a stir stick lol after it’s all mixed up then I put the water mover in the bucket for a while. Try and mix part a with a bit of hot tap water like a cup per part I dissolve all 3 in hott tap and then just dump that in to the ro water works great and all 3 parts break down fast


I just use a spoon fill up half a solo cup mix each part till fully dissolved then pour the hyper concentrate back into the gallon , couple small shakes and I’m done, fun fact when you mix it with so little water the fertilizer is a orange color


Part a is like an orange red look the b is clear along with epsom I noticed that right off the rip lol. Even in the whole gallon it looks a slight orange red with pt a


@abouttime @Kinglouida13th @Mr_Wormwood @Hellraiser @Budz @Jaydawg6528 @Davyg @yoshi @Graysin @Covertgrower
I think it’s gnats, where there was one now there are more. What do I get for those?


Mosquito bits.


Sticky fly traps and diatomaceous earth to top the soil.

The DE is to control any of the offspring that may be living in the soil. The sticky traps to catch the gnats flying around.


That is another route


@abouttime @Kinglouida13th @Mr_Wormwood @Hellraiser @Budz @Jaydawg6528 @Davyg @yoshi @Mark0427 @Covertgrower
So, I just ordered all of that stuff. Be here tomorrow by 10 pm thanks


Yellow sticky traps you hang them I got a pack of 100 for 9 bucks from hydro store but they have them on amazon also


I’ve never had this issue but everyone I’ve seen treat the problem with mosquito bits says that ends it

Sticky pads will help with the adults for sure


Graysin, and Mr. Wormwood covered here.


I put the sticky taps on all my grows if there’s a flying pest problem it will show up there usually before it gets to bad


If you really want to control the gnats, keep your soil wet , it’s not until the soil dries them lil basters hatch I think , I been seeing larvae swim around the drain pan for about 7 weeks now , but not one hatch and flew yet cause I’m keeping the soil pretty moist at all times until the after the flush and I’ll let it dry for the chop , I’ve had a much better control with them that way are milk!


I am scared to keep the soil wet, I overwatered my last grow and look what happened. I watered all 6 plants yesterday with 2/3 gal of water, I have to work up a pattern, but they were all dry with the lift it technique
@Graysin soo looking up de it says it has to be dry to work, will it work on wet soil too?


It’ll work again once it’s dry. You can technically make a de spray. It just won’t be effective untill it dries. DE is effectively razorblade sand. Any bug that lands on or walks through it will suffer lacerations. It’s not a poison in anyway. Its more like caltrops or Legos. I mean. Broken Glass.

Oh duh. It’s edges are microscopic. Try not to breathe the stuff, as it is a powder. When it’s wet it can’t be sharp, when it dries. It’ll be sharp again


That is why I went the chem route and said mosquito bit

I’ve only used de for fleas, and didn’t help with them much, but totally different circumstances


Are all the plants in their final homes now??


@abouttime @Kinglouida13th @Mr_Wormwood @Hellraiser @Budz @Jaydawg6528 @Davyg @yoshi @Graysin @Covertgrower
Everyone except Dark Plasma 2 is in final pot and even she is in final pot as current pot is planted in the last pot. I thought it would be way easier to transplant just lift out plastic pot and transplant into same container

Here’s a couple pics of the 4 days later gang:

As compared to 4 days before gang:

I just pinched out the tops of these on 10/12 when I watered. This just seems like too much of a difference for four days, is the purple light better than the white light? The white one is a mars t1000, maybe it’s not high enough
I got my mosquito bits gonna read directions and apply in morning, does it matter if soil is wet? Because this is talking standing water and can I use both the de and the bits together at the same time. Thanks for your help


Hey @DebbieM i have 2 dark plasma also and 2 ancestral skunk that’s cool. I’m trying to find somewhere to get some grease monkey and Pac-Man OG but not so expensive one of the places I found is 135.00 for 6 seeds ouch.