Crystals on ak47 autoflower

Leave it on a 24 hour schedule for 2 weeks, and she will reveg. Then resume normal veg schedule. Flower when you decide she’s recovered enough.

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Topic says its an autoflower…It wont reveg



Here is some more pics of her .
Now to reveg . Do i just cut each stem off that has bud on it ? Do i just cut the buds off ?

TY everyone you all rock

This plant is much farther along than the last picture that was posted. This plant is too far into flowering to reveg.

Feom what you can see can you tell me anything about the way she is flowering ?

She’s about 3rd to 4th week into flowering.

To answer the question of what it means if a plant is “more crystaly” then another… it means that one is more potent then the others. They’re your trichomes.

This is an auto right? You cant reveg it, nor can you clone it… its a 1 show pony. In the future if you aant more control of the life cycle of your plant use photo seed stock or clones.


Like said, too much nitrogen. Maybe a flush would help. Idk. Ask some other more experienced growers. Might be too late. Idk.

Yes its a auto . Whats photo seed stock

My question is , is she flowering nicely ? Can i expect a good yield

Its never really ( too late ) to flush. But often not required. The first step is to determine soil ph and the EC of to run off. Then, if thise numbers warrant a change we might suggest a flush and reset. Some times all we need to do is relax on the food a few waterings.


I was wondering if that was possible. So she’ll just keep eating it. Unless the ph is off and there’s a lockout, right?

Did we ever ask what kind of soil we are in?

Organic MG

There ya go.
It has slow release food already…too much nitrogen
Flushing wont help


What do i do

Some plants tolerate it just fine, while others show bad reactions to it.
Even plants of the same strain and seed batch may react differently.
Just water with plain water and hope for the best. Chalk it up to a learning experience.
All of us have made mistakes, dont sweat it. Next time you will do even better.


So is she a complet loss

I have this flower booster . Should i stop giving it to her