Crohns Ulcerative Colitis IBS and stomach issues

Here are a collection of posts that I have made on this issue and I wanted to put them in one place for all to reference.
I’m not a doctor or in the medical field but have been healing myself towards being cured for Pancolitis which is medical speak for Ulcerative Colitis affecting my entire colon with bleeding ulcers etc diagnosed with an invasive butt and throat scope etc back in May of 2017.
My experiences and thoughts your mileage may vary.

Make some bone broth amazing stuff
Make some sour krout
Gotta get those good critters to outcompete the bad ones in your gut
Any over the counter stuff for stomach problems will usually make it better short term and worse for the long run…
I used teas (lol just like the the plants - not same ingredients but…) for a long time to help with my gut pains and stuff …nature works for us if we let it…just like the plants…
Eat real freakin butter made by the little old Amish lady and eat some on crackers…toss that chemistry set margarine…fake butter doesn’t fit our receptors…eat some buds…eat the plant it’s a natural herb and medicine fresh from it or dried flowers…I do from time to time. Great for sleep just be ready for a hang over like feeling in the morning if you eat too much. At least for me anyway
You got this
Order a LB of Triphala for $20 and make some tea or also buy some 00 capsules and make them in a bowl and take the stuff…cheap to try and that was one of my pivot points of being cured from my UC

Steroids…prednisone f u k s your gut critters up and sets you back quite a bit from recovering the good stuff.
Prednisone was only thing they prescribed me that had any stopping of symptoms effect on me but after researching that and gut health I’ll never let another doctor push me into that crap or any other “white mans medicine again” without researching it first! Seriously most the stuff they pedal is bad bad bad in the long run…
Eat living foods with good critters…go buy 1 or 2 of 6-8 different kinds of fruits and eat it up…blah blah blah
And read all ingredients and research those ingredients you are not completely sure off as being natural or at lease without all the baggage most come with relating to health issues

Buy a head of cabbage…
Sea salt…
Mason jars…
No electricity needed just burping a jar over 5 days or so and make your own pre and probiotics with good critters to help you
I can send a recipe / directions if you want to try that easy cheap way to help.
I hope things get better for you either way. Understand about kids first and all but if your healthy you can work and so on…tough being stuck between and rock and a hard place…chin up

Eliminate all suagrs in diet except ones from fruits are ok as there is fiber. The bad critters love high fructose corn syrup and all that type of sweeteners …even avoid the fake sweeeners…Mother Nature rules…Stevia leaf and powder is a great natural sweetener and I use it all the time as well as honey and real maple syrup both of those in limited amounts.

My issues started in Dec 2016 and finally was scoped June 2017…took their prescribed meds cheapest oldest to most expensive and newest over maybe a 9-12 month period. They helped zero…
Started researching on my own haven’t had any medical contact over the last year or more and here is the short of it.
Remove all sugars from your diet with the exception of real fruits and such that Bring along the fiber with it.
Read all the labels of anything your going to put in or on your body. If you don’t know what the ingredients are look them up online. I’m talking soaps, toothpaste underarm deodorant shampoo dish soap cleaning stuff…any food you will consume …corn syrup…high fructose shit…eliminate all the stuff that you find has ingredients that’s not natural where you can have it in your cupboard and put in in a soup and feel good about feeding the critters in your gut…healthy critters healthy body! You’ll be freakin amazed just by reading labels and looking stuff up.
Look into Triphala (3 fruits) used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years in India.

External Media East West School of Planetary Herbology – 21 Jan 16

External Media

Triphala and Elderberry for IBS - East West School of Planetary Herbology

The three fruits of Triphala. My clinical experience using the Ayurvedic formula Triphala is extensive, based on literally thousands of cases over the course or 25 years. It is only within the last th …

IBS Crohns Ulcerative Colitis all intertwined just effect different parts of the same system.
Eat as close to the ground as you can.
Eat live food like real sourkrout cold not cooked to keep the good critters alive that help your gut get healthy like this…


With a head of cabbage and some good salt…not that Morton table salt crap…sea salt not stripped of all the good stuff and a knife and a 1/2 mason jar you can make your own Sour Kraut with live good bacteria in 5-7 days or so and eat that to give you natural pre and probiotics.
Drink a lot of water every day stay hydrated we are after all 70% water. I went from living on the shitter 12+ times a day ruined any chance of good night sleeps to now down to 4 times or so a day and getting better. All those toxic shit they sell us everyday builds up and eventually triggers things such as this. Use real butter not that fake stuff. Our bodies were designed to accept natural “molecules” or whatever the receptors take. They fit where the chemistry set attempts at mimicking nature don’t fit…
Look up how high heat and pressure extrusion process affects protein structures like when they make Cheerios or a lot of snacks and dog food and most cereals.
I feel I’m on the road to being healed. I didn’t get sick overnight and it will take some time to be healed just like when growing organically things don’t happen quick but over time and aren’t fixed quick.
I’ve done all this without insurance either. When I decided to fix myself I quit paying for insurance and put that $ towards my own medicine. Natural herbs added to foods…brings all those different nutrients into my system. We are made up of a complex network of critters that when fed we’ll work together and keep us healthy.
I buy 1LB of Triphala for $15-$20 and makes about 700 or so capsules and I take 9-12 a day. My body tells me what I need…gotta listen…just like reading your plants for their needs. Sure I have a candy bar every now and then with some Vino and last weekend my Nephew got married and I over did things and paid for it the next day or two but I knew what was coming.

Anyway I truly hope some of this can help you recover and be healed naturally and low cost but you gotta read stuff and research things but once you have done that it becomes easier to shop for things because you already know Dawn Dishwashing liquid or Fabreze freshener (and countless other things) contain bad things that after awhile accumulate in your system and mess your system up.
Did you watch the video posted here about making LAB? Make that and feed your gut…has great healthy critters that you should have in your system…

Edit to add…started with Prednisone…worked but it kills all the good critters in your gut…is for short term use…
Went to Sulfasalazine and then tried Apriso and last was Humira none worked one little bit for me…and then I got high…lol

Glad I could offer some ideas.
Yea over the last year I was vegetarian, vegan and so on…with what I had at the time…ulcers all along my colon and shitting blood and mucus just about every time and no formed turds…no safe farting…no burping…to “here I sit NOT BROKEN HEARTED came to shit and only farted…lol
All the blood and mucus in my stool is gone I’m farting more like normal and I’m starting to get formed turds…
Started eating eggs and bacon…real butter…meats in good portions not like when I was 20 and huge slab of beef and very little produce…now it’s some meat and more fruits and veggies…
Use live vinegar with the mother not that sterile dead vinegar…
Orange juice or milk that’s been pasteurized …heated up to extend shelf life killing all the good stuff in the process…buy oranges and squeeze them and so on…the colder the less processed the better like humans have done for our history minus the last 60-70 years since the better living through chemistry ad campaigns started!
Your body is sweating out the toxins…the skin is the largest organ we have and does as much if not more for us than the liver…maybe just saying…lol I’m not a homeopathic doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time and with all the toilet time have done a lot of research and reading about this shit.

That something is all you brother…you got this…read labels

Oh and I quit vaping nicotine liquids…that along with other changes upped my game…

Many “diseases” are triggered by all the toxic shit we are surrounded by from the coatings in our cooking pans to the soaps used for washing our hair skin and dishes to the make up, suntan lotion, deodorants and toothpaste. Fabreze and on and on…read the ingredients and look up the ones that sound unnatural and you will be disgusted and amazed at what corporate America markets to the masses with the blessing of the FDA and not one of those for profit at our expense MFers are being locked up.

LAB has healthy gut critters and is easy and cheap to make…

Along with making sour krout at home…head of cabbage, sea salt, knife mason jar…good gut stuff in there…eat it cold…

Again this is a collection of posts I’ve made her since joining the forum in February. I may have missed a few or double posted a few but wanted to collect them all in one spot for those that might be able to benefit from my experiences.

Another great resource is on you tube look up Dr Bergmans channel this guy is freaking on point when it comes to medical conditions and how our bodies systems work and not the misdirected information put out by the medical machine currently.

I truly hope some of this can help you or your loved one and friends that might be suffering from these man made conditions. Hell I might croak tomorrow but at least I went down fighting.

Love you all!