Crohns Ulcerative Colitis IBS and stomach issues


If I were you but I realize I’m not and you have to make the final decisions is I would learn about these things for yourself about reading labels and shopping for healthy foods and cooking them at home yourself knowing what’s in there and then passing this critical information to your children so they too have the knowledge and won’t have health issues later in life!
You’d be surprised at how much less expensive it really is by not buying the quick and easy prepackaged foods with suspect ingredients and sourcing the components yourself and cooking it up. Many believe incorrectly that healthy food is more $ but when you remove the convenience factor of ready to go foods and buy the stuff individually it can be and usually is cheaper because the cost of convenience adds up.

I used to (and still do) love velveeta mac and cheese in the boxes…it was quick and easy but removed that from my diet once I realized what that cheese in the packet was…