ConcreteBudz, From Stealth box to Upgraded grow op! 💪

Yeo great looking plant n digging the hand tatt. Another thing we love


Your plants look outrageously beautiful. The kind I’d love to use as my medicine. :+1: :sunglasses:


Thanks silva! Yeah I gotta make another appointment before summer. Just have so much other stuff going on right now haha and want to upgrade the grow and add new system to my whip and lift it a little bit.


Thank you sir! They are doing very well so far :+1:


I got finish my ribs and chest. Last time I went for a session was in Sept. Been busy. Wish I could upgrade my grow that’s why I’m go hard outdoor this summer with the autos


Love the stealth growing area, that’s freaking brilliant!


Yeah man I have to get some shading and fill in on my arm for my daughter then I’m doing from behind my ear down to the neck. Then onto the chest and stomach haha.

Thank you! @StarKiller and welcome to the Stealth Op :ninja: :wink:


Lmao my chest got my kids name and I got finishing shading my son name and connecting to the ribs

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Yeah I got my son’s name on my ribs and my daighters birth flower and the sun and moon and stars for her on my arm. That whole sleeve will be for her when it’s done. My son I have to touch his work up. The guy who did it was pretty drunk haha. It looks ok but it’s my WHOLE rib cage so I need to make it look niiice

Nice I really love the felling when getting the ink lmao

Fr brother!

:rofl::joy: for what it’s worth his house isn’t far away from me and the actual owners are real sick of fans driving by - and having pizza thrown on their roof.

No secret meth lab here. Meth lab remediation is expensive and idk about @MeEasy but I wholly intend to be able to resell my house. Growing weed is a much less residual funk. :joy:

Fun fact. As a New Mexico native I’m absolutely convinced Saul Goodman is based on none-other than our very own Ron Bell.


thats classic. he surely took one from sauls playbook. i love the saul, breaking bad, and el camino series of shows. fan of meth, NO, but good watches.
Im shocked how meth has become more common in my neck of the woods. Sketchy stuff and people.

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I love the shot that’s got her little buds peaking out the box. Looking right in there


Morning brotha. How’s it b.?


We have those clowns here in Chicago too, every other sign, opposite fireworks or dispos. Funny we are known for this lazy drop-vowel mobster drawl, yet all the ambulance chasers here have a Joisey, Yawk, Bahstan drawl on their radio spots.

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Yeah. It’s actually Ron Bell’s fault. He went to the Supreme Court about advertising on billboards and won. :grimacing: that opened a whole Can of worms for advertising for lawyers. I grew up with the guy on TV commercials. Now there’s a hundred others up there with him but he was the one who ruined word-of-mouth advertising being the standard advertisement for Attorneys.

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That is too hilarious!!! That’s awesome haha. I wonder who put the signs up first this dude Ron or Saul from the show?? Hahahaha

Good my friend. Just enjoying this lovely Sunday. Got to feed the lady’s today and do some tying of branches etc. What’s up with you my friend how have thing been?

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