Choosing the right led lighting

Is it better to use a full spectrum led during veg and flowering or blue spectrum for beg and red for flowering?

Red is more useful for flowering and the plant doesn’t need a whole lot during veg.

Blue is necessary throughout the grow cycle to support the plant’s biological processes.


I’ve seen people get decently good results from blurples , but with a good high end rspec full spectrum light you get those buds everyone drools over, sure it sacrifices minorly in the veging department but it’s why most people that can afford it has a veg and flower tent.


How many watts do you recommend for 10 Afghan Kush plants in vegetation tent

It’ll help if you state tent size also

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35 to 50 true watts (burples are vastly overrated) of light per square foot of canopy. You really want about 200 watts per plant for medium sized plants, so 10 plants is going to be around 2000 watts.

You seem to be asking about red and blue switches, which tells me you have a burple. Burples that claim to be 2000w, for instance, are really only good for 1 plant as the actual, true wattage is only around 200 watts.

You are going to need a big tent for 10 plants (minimum 400 square feet assuming small plants)


That’s y I was wondering tent size. Was thinking this is gonna be nice build

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I’m guessing the poster has a bigger appetite for plants than tent space will allow, but let’s see what the poster says.

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It happens(to all of us) once😍


Im planning on using the Black Dog LED PhytoMAX-2 1000 for my grow rooms flowering stage, and a 5x5 tent for veg stage or I might use spare room instead if that would work better, 10 plants in each stage for a perpetual harvest


Wow, what a light! I’m just joining the led band wagon so I’m of no help. Just riding along for the knowledge.

That is the way to go if you intend to go that way. If you’re investing that much you may aswell look into making a sealed environment and running CO2. Since it can double-tripple your yields with a light like that. Of course you have to keep all other cardinal parameters in balance first.

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