Chicken manure question

About to throw some clones into a garden bed as an outdoor grow for fun. I have chickens and wanted to use the chicken manure to feed the plants and let nature do the rest.

My question is should I do anything to the chicken manure? In the past I’ve mixed it with water and soil and top dressed my vegetables. Thanks

That usually works, I use manure as a top dressing myself, only use manure once it’s dried to avoid root burn.

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Yah u have to let the chicken manure sit for awhile before u put it on ur plants cause it will burn them or you can make a drum of water and chicken manure but again you have to wait at least a few weeks maybe a month before u can use it and when u do use it u will have water it down


Thank you all!

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Glad you brought up the chicken manure topic, it’s high in nitrogen and organic, Mother Earth has a slow release organic fertilizer made from chicken manure available at tractor supply stores I thought about getting some for my plant’s to give them a little thump , I grow outside

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Rabbit manure is the best. No waiting time at all its a slow release full of nitrogen and other good stuff. I make a tea with mine but i only use wild rabbit manure

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Sheep shit is also good and can be applied fresh.

Actually used use chook poo raw at the bottom of the grow trenches, over a foot down so the plants would take a while to hit it, then boom, also great at retaining the water.

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