CBD Summit 2017- Get the 411 on CBD - free straight from the experts

CBD is hot right now.

Due in large part to its broad range of healing applications and notable absence of psychoactivity, more and more patients and physicians are looking to Cannabidiol as an effective alternative to harmful pharmaceuticals.

There’s also a big demand for CBD products in the cannabis marketplace today - but many fall short of consumer expectations and medical requirements in terms of content, dosage control and efficacy.

That’s one of the reasons we assembled some of the top minds in cannabis science, research and development for our 2017 CBD Summit.

This half-day confluence of ideas, talks and panels is designed to go deep and give you a comprehensive, yet focused and realistic look at CBD today, backed by the latest research, insight and expertise available.

And best of all, it’s FREE.
Featuring renowned scientists, physicians and entrepreneurs including Samantha Miller, Dr. Alan Frankel, Martin Lee and others, you’ll discover:

What CBD is, where it comes from, and how it interacts in your body.
Whole plant vs. Hemp vs. Synthetic CBD.
The mechanics of CBD and THC – separately and together.
CBD as a preventive health maintenance regimen.
How CBD works as a neuroprotectant against ALS and Parkinson’s disease.
Who can benefit from CBD including seniors, kids, athletes, and even pets.
Which products are high quality and effective, and which ones are a waste of money.
Real-life success stories from patients and doctors showcasing the power of this natural cannabinoid.
What the future of CBD looks like and how you can get involved.
How CBD can fight the opioid epidemic.
Much more!
The 2017 CBD Summit contains a wealth of information for first-time users and experienced patients alike.

So, if you’re ready to go beyond the buzz and learn everything about this game-changing cannabis compound and what it can do for you, don’t miss out on your free registration for this live-streaming event on August 12th.

Register FREE
We’ll see you at the Summit!
Much love,
The Green Flower Team

P.S. If you have friends, family or colleagues interested in exploring the power of CBD, feel free to share this with them!


I’m already registered!

@daz49 @AnneBonny @MBgrower @Coltfire @TxGrowman @Hogmaster @Countryboyjvd1971 @zombo @Smokin_ernie @Capt_Seeweed


@bob31 ,thank you for the tag , I’m in and will be watching with bells on.


Thanks bob I’m signed up


Thanks bob I on the email list for green flower as well my only issue is that I’m usually sleeping when they hold these confrences so I may need to become a member to get all the great info @bob31
But thanks for the tag brother
@Hogmaster they have a lot of great info

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Thanks for the tag brother ! CBD definitely has a place in medicine for many things. I’m signed up !


I’m in as well. Thanks @bob31 for posting about this.

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John, I hear you brother! This one is in the morning on a Saturday so maybe you can catch it? I worked shift for a lot of years so I can relate to your schedule.


And thanks for all your responses! I think we all have a lot to learn and I think you may find down the road that there are other parts of the Cannabis plant that are just as important as CBD and THC.

CBD usually gets the credit for making us sleepy but actually CBN should get the credit for that. There are many different Cannabanoids and I think they are focusing on CBD more in an effort to get more people involved. I’m all for it and remember this…

Knowledge is Power!



Darn, guess it’s not being broadcast in Europe, sounds interesting.


Thanks @bob31 for the heads up I think I may be able to fit it in
I didn’t notice when they sent me the email that it was Saturday :+1:
I still think I may pay for the membership thinking it’s worth the small investment :thinking:
We like keeping Knowledge to our selves @DieHigh55 hahahahaha
Brother you know us we will share with you once we gain it for our selves

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It’s a webinar, are they not allowing you to register? I will post the link on the day of the event and it should be a click thru to the webinar. But I wouldn’t think they’d block non US IP’s

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Fine! I know something too! Nah! Now what was it??


Lmao @DieHigh55
I’m sure you know plenty brother
As bob said it doesn’t sound right that they would block you
Maybe send a email and inquiries about this bro that’s BS

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Im not blocked, its just that where it says to write your state, Belgium isnt included. And I guess permanent state of confusion doesn’t count. Do I have to sign up and become a member?

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No you don’t need to be a member?
Try emailing them and see if you can get in otherwise lie lol pick a state you used to live in hahahaha
I think they do that to track where the next gold boom will be here in the states with all the new legal states

Ok, I’ll give it a try and see what happens. Actually 900am in Calif is 600pm here…I think…so the time works out good.

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Perfect :ok_hand: let me know how you make out


yeah, just pick a state @DieHigh55 CO is the state of COnfusion! lol


Damn, didnt see that! Ok all signed in, even asked a dumb question of the experts. @Countryboyjvd1971


And just realized that it is 9am Pacific and that makes it 12 Noon on the East Coast side. Gonna be tough to give up a Saturday afternoon in August.

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I’ll just come to work that day and sit in my office bob get paid to watch :+1:
Glad to hear it @DieHigh55

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