CBD Content of ILGM High CBD Strains?

I’ve noticed that the CBD content for every strain is categorized as “Low”, “Medium”, or “High”, while there are approximate percentages for the THC content in most (or all) of the available strains that seem to have been lab tested.

Does anyone have any insight on the approximate CBD content in terms of a percentage? I’m looking for a high CBD strain along the lines of Cannatonic.

If anyone can share the results of a lab test of the “High” CBD strains on ILGM it would be awesome. Any insight on the matter is much appreciated.


I found this lis of strains high in CBD,hope it helps.

The main chemical present in marijuana that causes addiction is delta-9-tetrehydrocannabinol or THC. When marijuana is smoked, it is absorbed into the blood via lungs. It reaches brain through bloodstream where it produces its effects. The euphoric high produced by marijuana is caused by THC. Benefits of High CBD Strains

These are just some of the benefits high-CBD medical marijuana:

Non-psychoactive, so there’s low-to-no high as it counters the effects of THC
Increases cerebral, happy effects of THC while decreasing nervousness, anxiety and paranoia.