Cannabis and surgery

Hope this ok to post but sometime over the next year I’m gonna need a minor surgery that i will need to be sedated for. I’ve been reading about it and according to what I have read people who routinely use cannabis (daily, me) have adverse effects to sedation. I’ve read a lot about this I was just hoping to get some first person experience? Basically am I gonna have to stop smoking and for how long is what I am asking. Like I said hope this is ok to ask here.


I’ve had several surgeries and have not experienced a problem.

That said, cannabis purges from your system in ~6 weeks. THC is fat soluble and is stored by the body in fat cells, so it takes a while for the body to metabolize the THC in your system. Heavier folks take a little longer, but the difference can be measured in days. I’m 5’9" with 12% body fat and it still took 5 to 6 weeks to test negative for THC.


Firstly, prayers to you and I hope things go well on the table. Secondly, ask your doctor. Or even call another surgeon and ask if you don’t feel comfortable asking your own. Personally, I’ve had a couple total knockout surgeries and I never slowed or haulted cannabis use. And last, if you are truly concerned with potential issues, just stop smoking a couple/few weeks before. Daily use can take up to 60 days to totally clean out. I hope some of this helps.


Thanks I appreciate it, it’s nothing major but it’s nothing I want to wake up in the middle of either. A lot of this is obviously in my head because I decided to research cannabis use and sedation. But like I said I was just wondering if I need to be prepared for a doctor to tell me I need to quit for how ever long of a time.


I am a medical user and its in my medical files.
Have had 2 surgeries with the doctors knowledge of cannabis use. All they wanted was 7 days of non use before.


I had interveinal surgery and open heart surgery and smoked the day before surgery and on the way home from surgery. If I could have smoke in recovery at the hospital, I would have.


My youngest was born right at the beginning of the pandemic so we were 3 days isolated at the hospital. I was vaping in the bathrooms lol


My open heart surgery was the beginning of February 2020 and they announced the pandemic 2 weeks later. I vaped in my room!! lol


Good luck. I too have had more than my share of surgeries. I told one doctor that I smoked that morning…they still went ahead with the surgery. I use pot to get over IV anxiety and partake on the way to hospital. I am having surgery on Thursday and will be prepared.

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I’d just stop for a few weeks. I had surgery a few years back and my chart showed a prescription for some pain reliever (I can’t even remember because that prescription was given to me several years back for a different surgery). As soon as the anesthesiologist saw it on my chart he flipped out and almost didn’t want to 't take my word for it that I hadn’t taken it for years and thought about cancelling the surgery.

I have not needed any surgery yet, but definitely scuba diving. Basically for the same reasons, or if something goes wrong I won’t panic. I have done hundreds of dives. From frigid dry suit water and 15knot drift dives in the tropics. Never dove without a good luck anti panic rip first.


Hope it all goes well for you.

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Ive had a few surgeries and smoke daily. Hell, i even packed a cone and sat in the smoking area and fired it off ( i was under some major iv pain meds) and didnt give a flying fart if i was busted or not. I preferred my medication over the iv meds anyday…


Thanks for well wishes. Seems to have gone well today and am at home. I am banned from the computer until the meds wear off…snuck on for a quick peak


Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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One of these days someone will design a vape that looks like an asthma inhaler. They will get rich beyond the dreams of avarice.


That would be a task for @CoyoteCody


@GreggT I have had one for about 10 years or so. Puffit is the name of the company. Not sure if they still make it. It is for flower and works okay as it only has 3 heat settings. I use it from time to time when being discreet is a concern.


I just looked it up. They do still make it. 100 bucks!!


Most ideas I ever have are already in existence. Always a day late… :laughing: