Cannabis and companion plants

Well I picked these poor things up for two bucks and I am gonna nurse them back and stick em in my tent and out in my garden. After doing some research dill seems to be just what I am looking for to help combat spider mites. It will also attract good bugs in your outdoor garden. I will also make some tea as a treatment as well.

So let’s see how it goes. Please feel free to add anything else about this subject as well.


Cilantro repels spider mites and Oregano works also for lots of different insects plus mites, there quite a few those are what came to mind


Yeah I have Cilantro as well. Plus I eat that on everything so double bonus!!

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I also got basil,lavender, oregano,rosemary and lemon grass they all help with insect, i don’t have dill, nice one to have

I will as well especially the ones going outside. Wasn’t to sure what all I want to keep in the tent but I suppose non of those could hurt huh?

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I have mine outdoors but if they are on sale why not, just bring them back to health indoors and some of them are clonable, just make more .win win

Haha 100% my intention is to keep cloning the so my girls always have fresh companions. Thanks CRABS!!

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root shoot, basil in bubbler, oregano, super simple, just put into potting mix and ignore it for a week and rewater

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So I am assuming all that extra light I have bouncing around in the tent should be plenty for herbs ya think?

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Not as seedling or ones your nursing back to health but once its established and well again they will ask for more light, they will let you know with excessive stretching as a mj plant does :+1:

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Ive heard about companion plants but this is ridiculous, lmao they have grown fond of each other

is it possible my tomatoes plant got
Polinated by my mj plant? Ha ha


My wife makes dill dip out of the dill we have, great plant! Amazing to keep down unwanted insects from feeding on your garden plus additional benefit of having dill dip for watching the game


Have a recipe my better half would love that!

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I’ll see if I can get her drunk enough to reveal her secrets


Dill garlic minced onion sourcreme ranch and milk or 1/2 and 1/2 and pepper and chives

This is what I got when I asked so mins the great directions



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Basil easily clones in bubbler





Look at those hooters

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Outa likes, lmao

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