Can anyone recognise this pest?

You too thank you for all the information have a nice day. Sorry @Butters I’m the one that started all the questions. Hope you find out what those pest are😉


In the soil/medium. I’ve only seen 5-6 of them and it’s only 1 plant. I’ve let the soil dry right. I’ll try the sticky strips

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@Butters fugas bats are in all soil they need moist soil to lay eggs
So allowing the soul to dry between watering a is best
A layer of perlite helps and a dusting of food grade DE also helps

Sticky traps are great for the mature mats that are flying around
Also a fan blowing over the top of you pots keeps them to a minimum because they can’t land in soil to lay more eggs

I keep fans moving air above and below the canopy and haven’t seen a Nate in my grow room in years


You will get gnats. It’s not a question of if, but when.

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You should get some Neem oil and use it to spray, you can also use it as a soil drench. Got rid of mine, you just need to be sure to do it a couple times as to break up then hatching cycle, also do not spray while in flower. But its a great product.

Place a cup with abit of apple cider vineger in it, the knats fly into into it and die/drown.
They are atracted to the apple cider vineger

Seems like a beetle to me.