Can anyone id this deficiency? Possible mosaic virus?

I think that’s nutrient burn or water lensing in sunlight.

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Thanks for the reply. I have had mosaic virus a few months ago. Does water lensing cause a burn from hot sun?

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Yeah, it’s like a magnifying glass.

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That’s not nute burn maybe nitrogen Deficiency with a possibility of a ph problem. Yellow leaf needs nitrogen. Brown leaf to much nutes.

Could be a lockout too.

What size pot is that plant in?
Looks pretty small for that size plant (but it could be the angle of the photo)
I would recommend transplanting into at least a 5 gallon bucket /softpot if possible. Could be getting early stages of root bound.

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Was it outside at all?

I have some of that from my outside plants

I had 15 gal. pots ready and when I transplanted the roots were definitely bound. Right on. Thanks.
This is a harle-tsu high cbd strain that has been working amazingly well for my aches and pains from arthritis.
This is the second grow of this strain. They seem pretty hardy with nice fat buds, get about 6 ft. tall. I’m going to start using a green house and expect them to get even bigger. I’ve also got a white widow thet is the night bomb, love it.

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I transplanted and it was rootbound. They go outside.
This one might of had some rain.

I transplanted and it looked root bound.

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Right on👍
I would definitely keep an eye on the spots though if you see more forming let us know and we can help you figure out what ales it.


the spots them selves are looking to be the very begining of a K def, or possibly a Ca def, but im thinking a k def…

BUT…not to alarm you…

different forms of PM exist in the plant world as well as different ways that plants exhibit the symptoms…

here is a look:

downy mildew:

Downy mildew is a disease caused by the fungus-like water mould, Pseudoperonospora cubensis, which attacks only cucumbers and related crop species (gourds, squash, pumpkin, melons). This disease primarily affects foliage and can cause severe yield losses in a short period of time.


Symptoms are usually seen first on the lower, older leaves. Initial symptoms of downy mildew typically consist of angular, yellow spots on the upper leaf surfaces (Figure 1).

On the undersides of such spots, a purplish-grey fungal growth may be visible when there is high relative humidity or moist conditions prevail. As the disease progresses, the yellow spots enlarge and become necrotic or brownish in the centre, with the browning spreading to the margins of the spots.

Such spots may merge to form large brown areas on the leaves. Diseased leaves are killed in this manner, if the disease is allowed to develop unchecked. Lack of photosynthetic tissue results in stunting of plants, reduced fruit size and poor fruit set.

Pseudoperonospora cubensis is an obligate parasite requiring living host tissue to survive. It does not live in debris in the soil, and there are no reports of overwintering of the fungus in canada. Occasionally, under optimum environmental conditions, the pathogen may develop thick-walled spores called oospores that are resistant to low temperatures and dry conditions. This is rare and not considered an important source of inoculum. Infections in greenhouses likely originate from another type of spore (sporangia) that enters the facilities from the outside. Local field infections are usually established by spores carried by moist air currents blowing northwards from distant warmer regions where the fungus can overwinter on plant material.

Moisture on the leaf surfaces is necessary for infection to occur. When spores land on a wet leaf surface, they can either germinate and infect through the breathing pores (stomates) on leaves or release many smaller spores, called zoospores, that swim in the film of water on leaves during humid or wet conditions, and enter and infect leaves through stomates. Optimum temperatures for infection range between 16°c and 22°c, with infection occurring more rapidly at the warmer temperatures. The periods of wetness needed for infection on cucumber leaves are about 12 hr at 10°c-15°c, 6 hr at 15°c-19°c, and 2 hr at 20°c. About 4-5 days after infection, new spores are produced and released into the air, primarily in the morning. Spores can quickly spread within the greenhouse via moist air currents, contaminated tools, equipment, fingers and clothing. Fortunately, the spores become less infective under conditions of high temperatures and low humidity in the greenhouse.

and here is another strain; Leveillula taurica:
Light yellow spots may form on the upper side of the leaf corresponding to the powdery mildew colonies on the undersurface of infected pepper leaves.

Light yellow spots may form on the upper side of the leaf corresponding to the powdery mildew colonies on the undersurface of infected pepper leaves.

but like i said my guess is begining of k def or Ca def

Thank you. That was amazing