Can an auto flower plant b revegged?

After harvesting two of three plants the week before last, I noticed leaf growth on one of my auto white widow. I had left 2 lil buds on the bottom, not sure why. Too small to take, I guess. The other plant was cut all the way down. Well now I’m going to feel bad if I just kill this little fighter- I have started watering it now and put it back under the light. This will be an experiment. I will start 2 more plants when my last one is done in about a week from now. Normally I start them all at the same time. But they are staggered this time due to a weakly sprout at the beginning. we will see how this pans out. After all the autoflower myths-no clones ,no regrowth etc. I am surprised, but we keep on learning now, don’t we? I like it and I Love Growing Marijuana!

To clarify, auto flowers clone just fine. The catch is the clone will bud at the same schedule as mom. So you end up with a lollipop bud on a stick. Since it runs out of time to veg before flower.

Possible to clone yes. Productive to clone No.

I would also hypothesize that if you had an auto that was still a bit photo sensitive (like f1 instead of f6) think semi auto. It would reveg too. I believe that is what fastbuds does. Breed it with auto and select the ones that just don’t quite auto to select from.