Better Bit Coin exchange

I’m a bit worn out with Coinbase. They are just awful. They hold funds for outrageous amounts of time and have some issue or other all of the time. Not to mention they have odd delays sending coin.
Anyone have a suggestion for a better exchange?
I have Exodus, but you can’t buy coin from them. Need an exchange that isn’t trying to rip people off and extend their own bottom line like, IMHO, Coinbase.

Have u tried Coinspot ? Ive used them myself and coins have been available to spend straight after purchasing every time.:grinning:

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Nope. I’ll check it out thanks @Sth61The420State !! :slight_smile:

Im in Australia but id imagine they would sell to everyone online.

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Just one thing with Coinspot if u use them. Best not to send coins directly from their wallet to buy something. They know what receive addresses being used by online vendors selling various wares that may not be legal. Best send coins from their wallet to yours, preferably one that doesn’t have your name or CC info on it.
If what u r buying is a bit more shady than just 420 check out articles on mixing your coins. :sunglasses:

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