Best water to use

I have my environment and nutes on point and my autos always turn out with fat smelly sticky buds and don’t get me wronge I get high but it’s a different short last buzz but I’m on point with my dry and cure also idk I’ve tried every top breeder and highest THC strains and to me all that hard work isn’t worth the buzz, my photos are always fire so again idk lol

I wouldnt say best for plants, I would say good depending… rainwater can fluctuate in acidity levels depending on where the cloud was made. Over an urban center like LA it can contain many pollutants. Its ph can swing to for the exact same reason. If you are growing in true soil which is buffered well it can be great. If you are using chemicals indoors it can be not so great at times. Using a consistent reliable source is good because you know what to expect each time you mix a batch.