Best of both worlds? Mixing "couch-lock" butter/oil with "expresso" smoke

Hey guys anyone here used a 2 part system for medical and life management? Ive been away from MJ for 20+ yrs and so all of this is a distant memory. But here’s the thinking.

I use a heavy antiinflammatory CBD to make into coconut butter this will deal with my conditions (mostly) but I need to get off the couch and not become a couch sloth for the rest of my life.


I then use an energetic expresso type strain like Durban or something to smoke every time I feel the couch lock pulling me down I have a couple of tokes on a energy smoke

Does this make sence? will this work? or will the 2 different types just blend … make me see pink bunnies or somthing :grin:

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Not really sure about that.

Good question
And if you start seeing pink bunnies :rabbit:
Let me know hahahaha
I’m intrigued about the answer so I’ll be watching

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Hiya @DownUnderGuy…strains already come with thc/cbd mixes.

I haven’t tried it, but what you suggest makes perfect sense, and a goal of mine…to get a high CBD variety for those medical needs and a high THC strain for that particular relief.

4% CBD is regarded strong but some varieties grown just for that can hit 20%. Four of those are Charlotte’s Web, Harlequin, Sour Tsunami and Cannatonic.


no worries if I’m seeing pink bunnies I will send you a space telegram via the green flying bathtub

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Maybe @willd can help you out and give you some insight @DownUnderGuy. He may be asleep or working not sure what time it is over there but he will check it out when he is back. Take it easy(in the good stay safe take it easy way)

Thanks mate would appreciate it :wink:

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Let me know how it goes if you manage it … any pink bunnies :nerd:

OK so I believe it’s more about the individual and the delivery method than the strain of medicine.
I’m fortunate enough to have a relatively easy job and work from home so I’m probably not the best judge of whether or not doing that is suitable for the workplace. The other thing is I never laid off using cannabis for 20 years, so my receptors are relatively saturated.

I believe @deb1 tagged me on account of my canna caps post and because I’ve been using 2 strains for the past couple of harvests. One is the Indica dominant Bubba Kush and the other is the sativa dominant Sour Diesel.
I started doing something similar to what you propose with oil/butter based baked goods and capsules, but then I started filing caps with straight decarbed cannabis. WAY more potent and WAY less expensive and caloric than making oil/butter based goods. I advise not mixing with alcohol until you become accustomed to the effect and start small.

I take one 000 gelcap of ground decarbed Bubba Kush in the morning and one in the afternoon. I smoke or vape the Sour Diesel anytime I feel the urge to smoke or like I’m fading. I did notice when I smoked Kush instead of the Sour D on top of the caps it made me a tad more sleepy.
When I used to commute between Woodstock, CT and South Boston smoking weed turned out to be the ONLY thing that would prevent my from falling asleep at the wheel.

The only drawback I’ve noticed combining absorption through the gut and lungs is I tend to forget I took a cap or other edible dose, then have a shot of bourbon or smoke or vape more than I should and wind up ripped off my ass for a 30-60 minutes with slightly impaired fine motor skills.
60-90 minutes after you take a cap you feel “Woah, this is REALLY working GREAT”. The effects last for 6+ hours and diminish slowly.

Some might say the more cannabis you consume the more apt you are to become sleepy regardless of the strain so another part of the equation has to do with whether you live an active lifestyle to begin with or not.
If you live a lifetyle of functional fitness, no amount of “couch-lock” cannabis consumption is going to keep you from achieving your goals. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, no amount of “energetic espresso” cannabis consumption is going to get you off your ass.
Hope this helps…


Yep thanks @Willd :star2:


:thumbsup: Any time @deb1. Arvo?

evenin 21:05

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06:08 here. So good evening AND good morning!

Morning to you and mrs willD also

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Hello and thank you for your insight. invaluable to me right now! So have I got this straight? you are saying you just decarb the whole bud matter, grind then stuff this powder into a gel cap and down she goes? this does the trick for 6 hours?


Yeah. I used to smoke 2-3 joints a day sometimes. Unbelievable results for 6-7 hours for sure man. I won’t deny that I take a puff or two from a joint or my vape during that time but for 2-4 hours after taking a cap, having a puff is the furthest thing from my mind. I take one at 07:00 and dose again around 15:00
I abused tobacco for 40 years until just over a year ago. This has really improved my wind since I smoke WAY less. It’s almost a little bit much on an empty stomach when all of a sudden it hits you after 60-90 minutes. You shouljd start with 0 or 00 caps if you’re not a seasoned consumer of edibles.
I have been using Cap M Quick fillers but I’m thinking about another one from China that seems quicker to load and does 100 at a time instead of 50.


Hybrids bro! - you could always just drink a real espresso which would go well with a nice spliffypoo anyway :slight_smile:

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Ayee good for you Willd - tobacco is a bitch to give up. I use a vape now, and I have to say some of the flavours are just amazing! anything you can think of, and lowering the nicotine slowly is great. Plus when you remember how bad you use to smell thanks to tobacco, fingers all yellow and shiz… it really does stop you wanting to start again :slight_smile: (not sure if you smoke tobacco way less or bud, but If you still smoke tobacco, I really do advise getting a MVP 3.0 pro - I sub g tank made me quit, amazing throat hits, and vapour)

Good idea but unfortunately my body is falling apart, even coffee makes trouble. I am currently cold pressing my coffee but its just not the same hit. But then again I’m still dealing with opioid painkillers, steroids, anti-inflammatories etc etc and my garden is small so it’s all theoretical for now… just trying to be a bit scientific in the approach. My doctor wants to prescribe but he knows less than I do about MJ as our country has decriminalised medical but has no distribution nor processes crontrol in place. So I am jumping the gun and sorting myself whilst I wait for the bureaucrats to decided what is best for me … lol

And you guys are far better than any bloody doctor :smile:


Yeah gradually reducing the nicotine is a common strategy to get off nicotine. And all the flavors certainly are interesting to explore.
I had the MVP 2.0 and some 3ml iClear tanks I used for nicotine e-juice for a brief while but I gave it to my stepdaughter who’s trying to quit now. I was getting constant indigestion from OD’ing on nicotine too or something.
My attempts at making e-juice out of RSO and PG + veg glycerine were miserable failures and tasted like whatever trace of solvent I failed to evaporate during the RSO production.
I vape flowers with a Volcano and smoke joints rolled in cellulose papers when I get my lungs in on the action. I don’t use tobacco or nicotine anymore.
@darren is having another part of a lung surgically removed on Sunday. Our thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery go out to him and his family.

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