Journal 1: First Grow Ever

This is the design I’ve been using. It’s a two-piece adjustable that anchors to the fabric pot via zip ties and turns it into a single unit. This is ideal for moving them around which I tend to do a lot.

A SCROG is almost never used the way it was originally intended which was to allow side nodes on branches to develop their own branches in a flat plane. The advantages are: with gucci lights you can slam it down on the plant and get better canopy penetration. It supports large flowers. It opens the plant up for more light. It maximizes space by turning a round plant into a rectangular area. It keeps plants low for limited clearance growing.

I prefer to tuck up from below until screen is 90% full then flip to flower. If you look at a few pictures you’ll see a well filled out screen.

Post #1,001 shows screen being filled and can scroll from there to see progression.

Sorry; still can’t post pictures.