Chunky Monkey’s Grow Journal

First-time grower. One plant at a time.
Tried a Scooby Snacks x Jack Herrer feminized (Not Auto) that didn’t take 2x. I guess 3rd time is the charm. Unfortunately, I need to get this to harvest in 14 weeks due to a move. Rookie mistake!

Don’t care about yield at this point. Just don’t want to waste it and get something back. Any advice is appreciated.

Set up:
Fox Farms soil
5-gal cloth bag
3x3x5 tent
600w led @24"
currently, 22/2 light cycle to move things along
I have fish so understand and have PH under control at 6.1
Pic is day 12 from sprout
Sat under a dome and misted 2-3x a day until day 10
Removed the dome as the first leaves were hitting it.
Day 12 gave 1st hit of 1/2 dose of FF Big Bloom about 1 cup
Using filtered water at room temp.
Yellowing at the edges is concerning as well as the first leaf’s crooked look.

Thanks for the advice!


Firstly, welcome to ILGM!

Now… the pic didnt load, try to post it again.

And if youre looking at a countdown? Id be flipping to flower ASAP

That yellowing definitely isnt normal. How old is she again? Day 12. FF soils… ocean Forest?


HappyFrog. So you can turn to flower at any time? even in the seedling stage?

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You should be able to flower in 10 weeks. So if you have 14 weeks till you pull the plug then you should wait a couple weeks until you go to 12x12 photoperiods. I wouldn’t do much if any training or topping.


You can grow a pretty dang big plant 12/12 on/off from seed. And the 12/12 is a plants natural signal to start flowering, now a plant will NOT flower until sexually mature. Which is around 4-6 weeks but yup. Putting them on 12 on 12 off will force flower at the soonest possible time.

After that you have 11+ weeks til harvest… optimally. The 11 comes from 9-10 flowering plus transition week or so. I agree with the 10 above me as well.


I got over 11oz off of 2 autos running 12/12. But I’ve also only gotten about 6oz from 3 photos on 12/12. Either way, you can do it but it’ll be dang tight.


Thank you all. I’ll wait another 3 weeks and change the light. So how would you feed with nutrients going forward?
I’d be happy with half an ounce any more is a bonus Until I can pull a full 4 month grow. That’s a whole nother set of questions…

@ChunkyMonkey i wouldnt start giving nutrs until around week 3 or 4. Your FF has enough to carry it about 4 weeks if youre in 5 gal pots. When you start your nutes with an auto, give 1/4 to 1/2 strength and see how she handles it.


@ChunkyMonkey :point_up_2: agreed :love_you_gesture:


It’s just taking the plant with you to the new crib not an option at all or do you just not want the hassle of moving your grow? This is just pure curiosity on my part. Either way, good luck!

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No, can’t move it. I would if I could but would draw too much attention. As soon as I move in this is starting again though for a full 20 weeks. Then it’s auto from here on out.

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@ChunkyMonkey welcome. I won’t weigh in on the particulars, you are in good hands. Banana ice cream on the other hand, now we’re on :rofl: :rofl:


I’ve done many a grow in 12 weeks by vegging my plant 4 weeks at 24/0 light schedule then flipping to 12/12. One trick is to pick strains that flower quicker with that said Jack x Scooby Snack is gonna be a 9 to 10 week flower not the fastest but is what it is.

If it was me 24/0 for 4 weeks and I’m topping twice and one day after last topping I’m flowering at 12/12. For 9 weeks fast curing and moving on.


Doing much better getting ready to flip to 12/12 next week will give me 12 weeks to the deadline.


Moving right along. Trimmed her a bit mainly tucking leaves, pinching off the little growths, and slight lst. Flipped to 12/12 yesterday. Gave her a big drink of FF nutes. She is still quite squat but hoping the 12/12 will start the stretch.


Good morning Growmie, looks like she’s showing some signs of nitrogen overload. Dark waxy leaves are an indicator of this, are you checking the run off PPMs/PH :love_you_gesture:


I have the PH runoff at 6.5-6.7. Need a PPM reader still. Winging it for now. Next watering is a flush.


Not sure I would flush Growmie, there’s no way of telling what the final flush numbers would be. I would recommend PHd water only to liberal run off until your TDS pen arrives :love_you_gesture:

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My naming is wrong. When I say flush I mean to say water only no nutes.


The #1 thing in cooking is knowing the difference between tbsp and tsp. What a stoner! I think I have been giving 3x the nutes. Can’t remember… A first full week in flower. She looks healthy just stunted. Mrs. said she’s grown. Gave her a nip and tuck today ph water with Sledgehammer and see how she reacts. The new PPM meter comes Saturday. She should need watering by then. Looking at this I’m not going to make my deadline but you never know with these things.