Autos, Autos & I’m Still Growin Autos

I’ll be around to see… I’m gonna take pics tomorrow cause I’m tired tonight so I’m gonna roll a fatty and watch a scary movie :joy::seedling:


Which scary movie, I love them :heart_eyes:

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The scariest movie I’ve ever seen was on Halloween night when I was like 10. Dark night of the scarecrow. Its prob corny as hell now but it impressed upon me the seriousness of scarecrows and revenge of scarecrows. They take that shit serious lol

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The Shining gives me the willies it makes no sense


:joy::joy: @Carol4486… so sorry I never came back online to see your messages! I agree with you on The Shining. This movie was about a couple vacationing on a beach & young men & a girl start tracking & chasing them, not good! Was more violent than scary. Then the tv crapped out because we have Dish! And the tv is interrupted with just a drizzle of rain or just goes off, so we are seriously gonna think about changing from Dish after 25 yrs. I’ve seen every scary Halloween movie there is, just about anyway :joy: I’m into the horror films. Many good ones on Amazon. I’m gonna take pics later, I’ll tag you. :grimacing::seedling:


Here are pics of just CP and AH my two biggest girls, still waiting for more golden/amber…

@Carol4486 @Mrcrabs @Gremmall @Not2SureYet and everyone else! :joy:


My camera sucks! I don’t know why but all my buds look white. Hard to take a decent pic, sorry guys


My camera will make mine look white too if my lights are off. Most of my purple lights are gone so I can take pictures with the lights on now. Your plants look great. Good job :+1:

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Very nice lady! I dig the pictures…they show off the pistils very nicely on this screen :cowboy_hat_face:


Hey thanks guys! Not much new going on right now… been gone all day driving out & back 2 hrs for husbands skin cancer, gotta go back Wednesday so I’m tied up for few days. Hopefully I’ll be chopping my AH soon, I need the room & weed! Later guys, I’ll be back!


I hope things are going well for your husband.

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@Not2SureYet… well he’s got a lot of things going on at once. He’s older than me and this summer began with replacing his pacemaker, he has A-Fib then he got diagnosed with skin cancer and found melanoma. So we are driving out every week to a skin cancer place & yesterday they cut out a huge hole between his breast and we go back Wednesday to see if they got it all, if not they cut more until it’s gone then stitch him up but if it went into any other organs they give chemo. We are staying positive and I really need my weed right now! But we are always positive! The thing I worry about also are the blood thinner pills he’s on. Man, I worry a lot these days! Thanks for asking I appreciate your concern :grimacing::seedling:


Mama takes coumadin for her a-fib and it is serious medicine. It has to be monitored bi-weekly and it seems like somethings always off. I hope your husband’s health improves because I know how hard that this is on you. My dad had 10 years of bad this and bad that before we lost him and it really dragged mama down. So hang in there and everything will happen like its supposed to :slight_smile:
And also, your plants look great :grin:


@Gremmall… I know and thanks. I lost my dad early, he was 49 an x marine 22 yrs died of cancer, ate him right up and I never really got over it, I still miss him very much. Anyway we’ll know tomorrow how bad it is or isn’t. I’m a positive thinker or try to be and hoping this too will pass. Thanks guys :grimacing::seedling:


Praying :pray:t2: for you and your husband


I am sorry to hear all that about your husband. My aunt has melanoma on her shoulder. They had to remove some as well. That is some bad stuff. I hope they don’t find any on any of his organs.
I have been on cumadin for about 22 years. No other choice because my heart valve is mechanical. If you husband doesn’t have a mechanical valve. There are a lot of options for him. Some that can be bought from a health food store. The good about the pacemaker is they are getting better and better. I was having to have mine replaced every 3 1/2 to 4 years. And a lot in between because of Drs that cut wires or let it get infected… This new one is over a year old and still has over 4 years left in it.
And I agree. Your plant there looks awesome :+1:

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@Carol4486 @Not2SureYet thanks you guys that’s so nice… my husbands pacemaker lasted 11 yrs but his heart isn’t mechanical. They said this one will last 8 yrs., he’s doing pretty good, it’s all the side effects that get him, & now this but he’s very positive and we are hoping for the best!! My CP smells amazing as does AH. I’ve started cutting some lower branches, there’s a lot of buds, they come in handy while I wait it out. I came home yesterday and one little AH seedling was slumped over so I watered her real good and she came back! Love my haze :joy::seedling:


Hey @Carol4486 @Not2SureYet @Gremmall @Mrcrabs - everything came out ok! The melanoma was totally removed and the big hole stitched up & we go back in 2 wks to get stitches removed. I can’t sleep so I’m gonna cut up some more of my AH, if I don’t make room soon 2 plants won’t be as plentiful so today I have alotta weed work. I’ve had my stack it weed hanger for so long I gotta drill a hole in the ceiling for the hook & just haven’t had time but today is the day! I’m very happy right now and so glad we went to this special place & great doctor. We had to do another biopsy though on his arm, this might be an ongoing thing but gotta keep truckin baby! :grimacing::seedling:


Sounds like a great day for you both :blush::blush::blush:


Awesome, wishing your hubby a speedy recovery, great news @bonnie1, have a great day