Autoflower journey from beginning

I use a glass of water or mix (250ml) to make the soil a little wet( this way I preparing the soil to absorb the water much faster and everywhere), I wait 3-5 minutes before I give them another one… This way the salt from the pot can melt and when I water it I do it until I get at least 100-200ml runoff…
This method works well for me :wink:


I got yah @M4ur so you can get a good accurate reading when taking them also il update every few days mate and for anyone else would might come across everything is on cruise control right now tho :+1:.

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@Johnzy81 I transplanted a auto and it did the same thing . One cola 14" tall , but it turned out to be the best smoke I have ever grown . Loaded with trichomes and it smelled like fruity berries or grapes . I won’t transplant autos again .![IMG_0271|375x500](upload://iaJ5N9b4Yjl8xBNbHMnkxKr4KTH.JPGJustgrowin1d
Ya autos are finicky. They prefer u transplant only once and no longer than a week or so in veg. People will tell u they have done it successfully but in most cases they could have gotten much more out of the plant. Others are just very skilled. Me not so much I transplanted one and it stopped growing and is now one big cola instead of a whole plant.


Thank you for your reply @Seeddog your photo hasn’t come up maybe you would try and post it again please :v:.

@M4ur @Myfriendis410 @Seeddog when exactly is it the best time for anyone too fimmed or top an autoflower plant?

OK so just another update, I have just fimmed my GG No 1 in my grow off, 2 GG#4 and 2 SweetBerry Cough and 1 Super Skunk all auto’s.


Did u transplant that auto? That’s what they look like when they have been stressed in some way

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I don’t think it is a perfect time for it, but, if the plant have at least 3 sets of true leaves then can be fimmed with success… Sorry for the late reply man but I was at work :smirk:

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Happy birthday, Brother!


I don’t have any experience with autos, sorry. FIM’ming is one of those things you have to be careful about with autos so that you don’t slow them down. Whatever you do; do it gently and not too much at once.


hey bud. hows the grow going? im in the middle of my first grow as you know. all autos, i have not fimmed ot topped but i did lst one plant and it grew out like a bush in comparison to the others who grew vertical. if height is a restriction i definitely recommend LST’ing.
so far im a fan of autos, and the ease of grow, not having to change light schedules and dont have to worry about light leaks.
just try not to stress them and you should be good.
here is a picture of the plant i LST
any help you need just feel free to tag me


Still a pretty good size. Nice auto

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Thank you sir! 48


That’s exactly what I wanted to know mate so I am right back on track :+1:, did I miss a birthday buddy if I have happy belated birthday :birthday:

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Thank you @vegetarian I’m feeling a lot better today about the hoke grow and @Myfriendis410 and @Seeddog nice one for you replys folks really appreciate it all :v:


Thx buddy! Another year is left behind, a very good year I may say :hugs:.
Enjoy your life friend :+1:

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Happy Birthday @M4ur

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Happy birthday @M4ur!

Happy birthday!