Atami b'cuzz Nutes

Hey guys quick question! So while at the hydro store today the lady there hooked me up with a bunch of free nutes from the company mentioned above.(Atami b’cuzz) All the reviews I read seem too be good. I was A.) wondering if anyone here used it before and had good luck. And B.) If using it would kill all the work I put into the microbes in my soil. I’ve been using ffof and only using compost tea( Molasses, worm castings, banana peels, aloe, and egg shells) as my form of feeding her. I add fish shit and recharge as well. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

never used and never heard of it before…

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Yeah me either, i have 2 girls going and was tempted too use maybe 1/4 strength on one of them. But i wanna try and find out more first.

Everything ive read and heard when adding salt based nutrients to organic soils will kill off microbiology how much i cant say

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Yeah that’s all I’ve read as well. Ill probably just wait and get some sort of hydro setup goin too try it out! Thanks for the info

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You can still run salt based nutrients in soil no problem alot of people do but in that case you are just feeding the plants and not feeding the soil as with organics you feed the soil and in return the microbiology in the soil feeds the plants and allows them to take up the nutrients as they need/want it

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Yeah ive been using compost tea for that reason and that goes along with why ive been so worried about using it. Even killing off some of my little soil buddies would upset me lol. I aint been using recharge and fish shit for nothing. I wanna get as many runs outta my soil as i can with dry admendments added after they are done. But once again i appreciate all the info!

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In that case id highly recommend Earth Dust by The Green Sunshine Company its a all organic dry amendments 2 parts a base and a boost you take and mix the base into your soil and allow it to cook for a minimum of 3 weeks then the soil is ready to be used all you gotta do is use plain water and some teas here and there then top dress with boost 2 weeks before flipping to flower and it also creats a living soil and you can continue to re use that soil and it just gets better over time alot of here in the fourms have started using Earth Dust over the last year and its a solid easy way to grow some beautiful plants

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Honestly if ur got all that organic fertilizers in ur soil i would stick to organics fertilizers like Gaia green or down to earth causing using this nutrients u were given may be to much to use with all that organic fertilizers